Gruzdev D.A.

Graduated from Syktyvkar State University (2002), specialization "geology".
Junior researcher of Institute of Geology, Komi Science Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Area of scientific interests: sedimentology, stratigraphy.
Author of 22 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 6_2025 submitted on 12/09/2024 displayed on website on 02/11/2025
15 p.
The Serpukhovian isotope anomaly in inorganic carbon – possible causes and prospects for its application in the stratigraphy of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province
The global Serpukhov positive C-isotope anomaly is bounded by two narrow negative excursions. The negative excursions are most likely due to increased weathering of organic carbon during regressions, whereas the positive anomaly could be related to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the concomitant increase in carbon fixation by primary producers. The stratigraphic extent of the isotope anomaly corresponds to the ziegleri conodont zone, which roughly corresponds to the Tarusian, Steshevian and lower part of the Protvian of the regional stratigraphic scheme. On the territory of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province the Serpukhovian isotope anomaly was identified in a number of reference sections and in the core of wells drilled in the Padimey area. The identification of this anomaly in wells Padimey 6 and 4 allowed to clarify its stratigraphic subdivision in the Upper Viséan-Lower Serpukhovian part of the succession and to determine the position of the base of the Serpukhovian stage.

Keywords: C-isotope anomaly, Serpukhovian Stage, Padimey area, Timan-Pechora petroleum province.
article citation Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Ya.A., Gruzdev D.A. Serpukhovskaya izotopnaya anomaliya po neorganicheskomu uglerodu - veroyatnye prichiny i perspektivy ispol'zovaniya v stratigrafii Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [The Serpukhovian isotope anomaly in inorganic carbon – possible causes and prospects for its application in the stratigraphy of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2025, vol. 20, no. 1, available at: EDN: LZGDXD
Batt L.S., Montañez I.P., Isaacson P., Pope M.C., Butts S.H., Abplanalp J. Multi-carbonate component reconstruction of mid-Сarboniferous (Chesterian) seawater δ13C. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2007, vol. 256, p. 298-318. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.02.049
Belyaev A.A., Semenov G.F. Foraminifery serpukhovskogo yarusa Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Genetic features of the Serpukhovian carbonate strata of the Pai-Khoi shale zone]. Litologiya karbonatnykh porod severa Urala, Pay-Khoya i Timana, 1988, Tr. IG KomiNTs URO AN SSSR, issue 67, pp. 51-61. (In Russ.).
Chen J., Montañez I.P., Qi Y., Wang X., Wang Q., Lin W. Coupled sedimentary and δ13C records of late Mississippian platform-to-slope successions from South China: Insight into δ13C chemostratigraphy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, vol. 448, pp. 162-178.
Danilov V.N. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti verkhnedevonskikh otlozheniy severnoy chasti Kos'yu-Rogovskoy vpadiny [Prospects for oil and gas potential of the Upper Devonian strata of the northern part of the Kosyu-Rogov depression]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1992, no. 8, available at: (In Russ.).
Durkina A.V. Foraminifery serpukhovskogo yarusa Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Foraminifera of the Serpukhovian stage of the Timan-Pechora province]. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskoy kartograficheskoy fabriki VSEGEI, 2002, 198 p. (In Russ.).
Fielding C.R., Frank T.D., Isbell J.L. The late Paleozoic ice age - A review of current understanding and synthesis of global climate patterns. Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space: Geological Society of America Special Publ., 2008, vol. 441, pp. 343-354. DOI: 10.1130/2008.2441(24)
Flügel E. Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks. Analysis, Interpretation and Application. Heidelberg-Dordrecht-London-New York: Springer, 2010, 984 p.
Galbraith E.D., Kienast M. The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming. Nature Geoscience, 2013, vol. 7, pp. 579-584. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1832
Goddéris Y., Donnadieu Y., Carretier S., Aretz M., Dera G., Macouin M., Regard V. Onset and ending of the late Palaeozoic ice age triggered by tectonically paced rock weathering. Nature Geoscience, 2017, vol. 10, pp. 382-386. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2931
Haq B.U., Schutter S.R. A chronology of Paleozoic sea-level changes. Science, 2008, vol. 3, no. 322, pp. 64-68.
Kostygova P.K. Pechorskiy paleobasseyn v vizeyskom i serpukhovskom vekakh i foraminifery nizhnego vize [Pechora paleobasin in the Visean and Serpukhovian ages and foraminifera of the Lower Visean]. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskoy kartograficheskoy fabriki VSEGEI, 2004, 204 p. (In Russ.).
Liu C., Vachard D., Du Y., Munnecke A., Liang T. Foraminiferal Zonation and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy through the Viséan-Serpukhovian Boundary Interval - New Data from Three Inner-Platform Successions of South China. Available at SSRN, 2022. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4063138
Makhlina M.Kh., Alekseev A.S., Goreva N.V., Isakova T.N. Ritmo- i biostratigrafiya karbona Moskovskoy sineklizy [Rhythmo- and biostratigraphy of the Carboniferous of the Moscow syneclise]. Izvestiya VUZov. Geologiya i razvedka, 2001, no. 5, pp. 42-58. (In Russ.).
Pisarzowska A., Becker R.T., Aboussalam Z.S., Szczerba M., Sobień K., Kremer B., Owocki K., Racki G. Middlesex/punctata event in the Rhenish Basin (Padberg section, Sauerland, Germany) - Geochemical clues to the early-middle Frasnian perturbation of global carbon cycle. Global and Planetary Change, 2020, vol. 191, pp. 1-14.
Pisarzowska A., Racki G. Isotopic geochemistry across the Early-Middle Frasnian transition (Late Devonian) on the South Polish carbonate shelf: a reference for the global punctata Event. Chem. Geol., 2012, no. 334, pp. 199-220.
Richards B.C. Current status of the International Carboniferous Time Scale. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 2013, no. 60, pp. 348-353.
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Valdez Buso V., Milana J.P., di Pasquo M., Paim P.S.G., Philipp R.P., Aquino C.D., Cagliari J., Chemale Junior F., Kneller B. Timing of the Late Palaeozoic glaciation in western Gondwana: New ages and correlations from Paganzo and Paran´a basins. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, vol. 544, 109624. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109624
Vevel Ya.A., Ivanova R.M., Gruzdev D.A., Zhuravlev A.V. Vodorosli pogranichnykh otlozheniy vizeyskogo i serpukhovskogo yarusov v razreze na r. Iz"yayu (yug podnyatiya Chernysheva) [Calcareous algae of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary beds in the Izyayu River section (south of the Chernyshev Uplift)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: (In Russ.). EDN: ZSZTYM
Yao L., Jiang G., Mii H.-S., Lin Y., Aretz M., Chen J., Qi Y., Lin W., Wang Q., Wang X. Global cooling initiated the Middle-Late Mississippian biodiversity crisis. Global and Planetary Change, 2022, vol. 215, 103852. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103852
Zhuravlev A.V. Chislennoe modelirovanie pervichnoy bioproduktivnosti pelagicheskikh ekosistem paleozoya [Numerical modeling of primary bioproductivity of pelagic ecosystems of the Paleozoic]. Vestnik geonauk, 2022, no. 8, pp. 37-42. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.19110/geov.2022.8.4
Zhuravlev A.V. Mestnaya stratigraficheskaya skhema verkhnego devona - nizhnego karbona yugo-zapada Lyzhsko-Kyrtael'skogo vala (vostok Pechorskoy plity) [Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous of south-west of Lyzha-Kyrtael swell (Pechora Plate eastward)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: (In Russ.). EDN: XNYUAF
Zhuravlev A.V., Gerasimova A.I. Stroenie razreza i konodonty karskoy svity (nizhniy karbon) Amderminskogo rayona severnogo Pay-Khoya [The structure of the section and conodonts of the Kara Formation (Lower Carboniferous) of the Amderma region of northern Pai-Khoi]. Vestnik IG Komi NTs UrO RAN, 2016, no. 1, pp. 3-10. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-1-3-10
Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Y.A., Gruzdev D.A., Erofeevsky A.V. Late Mississippian (early Serpukhovian) carbon isotope record of northern Laurussia: A proposal for the Viséan/Serpukhovian boundary. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 2023, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 35-43. DOI: 10.22201/cgeo.20072902e.2023.1.1722
Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Ya.A. Biostratigrafiya verkhnego devona - nizhney permi Padimeyskoy ploshchadi (severo-vostok Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii) po konodontam i foraminiferam [Biostratigraphy of conodonts and foraminifera of Upper Devonian - Lower Permian of the Padimey Area (north-east of Timan-Pechora petroleum Province) - new data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, available at: (In Russ.). DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/13_2022
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 11_2024 submitted on 04/02/2024 displayed on website on 05/06/2024
9 p.
pdf Automated diagnostics of carbonate rocks from microphotographs of thin sections based on machine learning
On the basis of machine learning technology, a computer model for diagnosing carbonate rocks from thin section images has been developed. The model uses the Dunham' classification and identifies four types of carbonates - mudstone, wackestone, packstone, grainstone, with 98% accuracy. The ability to use the model and software based on it is currently limited to the given carbonate classes. Any images outside of these classes will be misdiagnosed. The pros of the model include its high speed of operation and reproducibility of results. It can be used as a human assistant when working with large volumes of material.

Keywords: carbonates, thin sections, machine learning, image classification.
article citation Zhuravlev A.V., Gruzdev D.A. Avtomatizirovannaya diagnostika karbonatnykh porod po mikrofotografiyam shlifov na osnove mashinnogo obucheniya [Automated diagnostics of carbonate rocks from microphotographs of thin sections based on machine learning]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 2, available at: EDN: YUQJXC
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 24_2023 submitted on 06/02/2023 displayed on website on 06/30/2023
20 p.
pdf Calcareous algae of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary beds in the Izyayu River section (south of the Chernyshev Uplift)
We consider changes in the composition of the algaflora in the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary interval in the Izyayu River section. A transgressive trend in changing sedimentation conditions - from extremely shallow water at the end of the Visean to moderately deep water at the end of the Early and early Late Serpukhovian - is observed for the section as a whole. This change in sedimentation conditions led to a consistent reduction in the abundance and diversity of calcareous algae. In general, the composition of the Late Visean-Early Serpukhovian algaflora in the Izyayu River section corresponds to warm shallow-water conditions.

Keywords: calcareous algae, changing sedimentation conditions, Lower Carboniferous, Chernyshev Uplift.
article citation Vevel Ya.A., Ivanova R.M., Gruzdev D.A., Zhuravlev A.V. Vodorosli pogranichnykh otlozheniy vizeyskogo i serpukhovskogo yarusov v razreze na r. Iz"yayu (yug podnyatiya Chernysheva) [Calcareous algae of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary beds in the Izyayu River section (south of the Chernyshev Uplift)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: EDN: ZSZTYM
   Bogush O.I., Ivanova R.M., Luchinina V.A. Izvestkovye vodorosli verkhnego famena i nizhnego karbona Urala i Sibiri [Calcareous algae of the Upper Famennian and Lower Carboniferous of the Urals and Siberia]. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Sib. otd., 1990, 160 p.
   Boucot A.J., Chen X., Scotese C.R. Phanerozoic Paleoclimate: An Atlas of Lithologic Indicators of Climate. SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, 2013, no. 11, 478 p.
   Eliseev A.I. Formatsii zon ogranicheniya severo-vostoka Evropeyskoy platformy (pozdniy devon i karbon) [Formations of the North-Eastern European Platform limitation zones (Late Devonian and Carboniferous)]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1978, 192 p.
   Eliseev A.I. Stratigrafiya i litologiya kamennougol'nykh otlozheniy gryady Chernysheva [Stratigraphy and lithology of the Carboniferous strata of the Сhernyshev Ridge]. Moscow-Leningrad: Nauka, 1963, 168 p.
Elliott G.F. Dasycladalean Algae of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic. Calcareous Algae and Stromatolites. R. Riding (Ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 125-130.
   Fielding C.R., Frank T.D., Isbell J.L. The late Paleozoic ice age - A review of current understanding and synthesis of global climate patterns. Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space: Geological Society of America Special, 2008, vol. 441, pp. 343-354. DOI: 10.1130/2008.2441(24)
   Goddéris Y., Donnadieu Y., Carretier S., Aretz M., Dera G., Macouin M., Regard V. Onset and ending of the late Palaeozoic ice age triggered by tectonically paced rock weathering. Nature Geoscience, 2017, vol. 10, pp. 382-386. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2931
   Gruzdev D.A. Pozdnedevonsko-rannekamennougol'naya izolirovannaya karbonatnaya platforma na Pripolyarnom Urale (r. Bol. Nadota) [Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous isolated platform in the Circumpolar Urals (Bolshaya Nadota River)]. Vestnik Instituta geologii, 2017, no. 4, pp. 16-23.
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   Ivanova R.M. Izvestkovye vodorosli karbona Urala [Calcareous algae of the Carboniferous Urals]. Ekaterinburg: RIO UrO RAN, 2013, 244 p.
   Kossovaya O.L., Vevel Y.A., Zhuravlev A.V. Fauna and sedimentation near the Visean/Serpukhovian boundary (Izyayu River section, Tchernyshev Swell, Subpolar Urals). Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2001, no. 19, p. 29-31.
   Otmas N.M., Zhuravlev A.V. Litologo-fatsial'nye osobennosti nizhneserpukhovskikh otlozheniy (nizhniy karbon) yuga podnyatiya Chernysheva i Kos'yu-Rogovskoy vpadiny [Lithofacial features of the Lower Serpukhovian strata (Lower Carboniferous) from the south of Chernyshev Uplift and Kosyu-Rogov depression]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at: DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/27_2016
   Richards B.C. Current status of the International Carboniferous Time Scale. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 2013, bull. 60, pp. 348-353.
   Sevastopulo G.D., Barham M. Correlation of the base of the Serpukhovian Stage (Mississippian) in NW Europe. Geological Magazine, 2014, no. 152, pp. 244-253.
   Timonin N.I. Tektonika gryady Chernysheva (Severnoe Priural'e) [Tectonics of the Сhernyshev Ridge (Northern Pre Urals)]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1975, 130 p.
   Vevel Y.A., Zhuravlev A.V., Kossovaya O.L., Sobolev D.B. Lochriea cruciformis Zone (Lower Carboniferous) and its correlation with foraminifer and coral subdivisions (North of Urals, Izyayu section). Abstracts. Geological Society of Australia, 2000, 61, p. 61.
   Vevel' Ya.A. Foraminifery pogranichnykh vizeysko-serpukhovskikh otlozheniy v razreze na r. Iz"yayu (gryada Chernysheva) [Foraminifers of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary level in the Izyayu River section (Chernyshev Ridge)]. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy Evropeyskogo severo-vostoka Rossii: materialy XIV geol. s"ezda Respubliki Komi. Syktyvkar, 2004, vol. III, pp. 308-310.
   Vevel' Ya.A., Zhuravlev A.V., Gruzdev D.A. Nizhniy serpukhov (nizhniy karbon) v basseyne r. Kozhim (Pripolyarnyy Ural)[Lower Serpukhovian (Lower Carboniferous) of the Kozhim River basin (Subpolar Urals)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, available at: DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/35_2018
   Zhuravlev A.V. Konodonty verkhnego devona - nizhnego karbona severo-vostoka Evropeyskoy Rossii Rossii [Conodonts of the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous of the north east of European Russia]. St. Petersburg, VSEGEI, 2003, 85 p.
   Zhuravlev A.V. Mestnaya stratigraficheskaya skhema verkhnego devona - nizhnego karbona yugo-zapada Lyzhsko-Kyrtael'skogo vala (vostok Pechorskoy plity) [Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous of south-west of Lyzha-Kyrtael swell (Pechora Plate eastward)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/8_2023
   Zhuravlev A.V., Sobolev D.B. Konodonty pogranichnykh vizeysko-serpukhovskikh otlozheniy yuzhnoy chasti gryady Chernysheva (r. Iz"yayu) [Conodonts of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary level of the southern part of the Сhernyshev Ridge (Iz'yayu River)]. Syktyvkarskiy paleontologicheskiy sbornik, 2000, no. 4, pp. 84-89.
   Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Y.A., Gruzdev D.A., Erofeevsky A.V. Late Mississippian (early Serpukhovian) carbon isotope record of northern Laurussia: A proposal for the Visean / Serpukhovian boundary. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 2023, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 35-43. DOI: 10.22201/cgeo.20072902e.2023.1.1722
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 17_2020 submitted on 04/16/2020 displayed on website on 05/26/2020
16 p.
pdf Ydzhid Anticline Late Famennian (south of Pechora-Kozhva Uplift, Pechora Plate)
Study of a number of sections in the south-western part of the Lyzha-Kyrtayol Swell (south of the Pechora-Kozhva Uplift) allow elaborating conodont-based biostratigraphy scale and improving lithological description of the lower part of the Nyumylga level. This stratigraphic interval corresponds to the upper unit of the Kamenka Formation represented by shallow-water bitumen bearing carbonates. The study allows improving information on geology of Ydzhid Anticline and local stratigraphic chart of the Upper Devonian.

Keywords: Upper Devonian, biostratigraphy, Nyumylga level, Kamenka Formation, Ydzhid Anticline, Pechora Plate.
article citation Zhuravlev A.V., Plotitsyn A.N., Gruzdev D.A. Pozdnefamenskie otlozheniya Ydzhidskoy antiklinali (yug Pechoro-Kozhvinskogo podnyatiya, Pechorskaya plita) [Ydzhid Anticline Late Famennian (south of Pechora-Kozhva Uplift, Pechora Plate)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, available at:
   Chernov G.A. Nizhniy karbon Pechorskoy gryady [Lower Carboniferous of the Pechora Swell]. Sbornik trudov po geologii i paleontologii, Syktyvkar, 1960, pp. 56–93.
   Danilov V.N., Martynov A.V., Kochkina Yu.V. Geologicheskoe stroenie i istoriya razvitiya territorii yuzhnogo okonchaniya Pechoro-Kozhvinskogo megavala [Geological structure and development of the southern margin of the Pechora-Kozhva megaswell]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, available at: DOI:
   Durkina A.V. Foraminifery nizhnekamennourol'nykh otlozheniy Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Foraminifers of the Lower Carboniferous of Timan-Pechora Province]. Mikrofauna SSSR, 1959, issue 10, pp. 132-389.
   Gerasimova A.I., Erofeevskiy A.V., Zhuravlev A.V. Razrez turneyskogo yarusa na yugo-zapadnom kryle Ydzhidskoy antiklinali (yug Pechora-Kozhvinskogo megavala) [Tournaisian section in western limb of Ydzhid Anticline (south of Pechora-Kozhva Megaswell]. Struktura, veshchestvo, istoriya litosfery Timano-Severoural'skogo segmenta: materialy 28-y nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta geologii Komi NTs UrO RAN, Syktyvkar, 2019, pp. 25-28.
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   Ryabinkina N.N., Valyaeva O.V., Plotitsyn A.N., Zhuravlev A.V. Litologiya i geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva famenskikh otlozheniy v obnazhenii na r. Kozhva[Petrography and geochemistry of organic matter of Famennian in outcrops on the Kozhva River]. Litologiya osadochnykh kompleksov Evrazii i shel'fovykh oblastey: materialy IX Vserossiyskogo litologicheskogo soveshchaniya (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) (Kazan', 30 Sept – 3 Oct 2019). Kazan': Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo universiteta, 2019, pp. 394-395.
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   Vevel' Ya.A., Zhuravlev A.V., Popov V.V. Pogranichnye otlozheniya devonskoy i kamennougol'noy sistem v razreze na r. Kamenka (Pechoro-Kozhvinskiy megaval, Timano-Pechorskaya provintsiya) [Deposits of the Devonian and Carboniferous boundary in the Kamenka River section [Pechora-Kozhvinsky megaswell, Timan-Pechora province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at:
   Zhuravlev A.V., Plotitsyn A.N., Vevel' Ya.A., Erofeevskiy A.V. Pogranichnye otlozheniya devona i karbona na Vorkutinskom poperechnom podnyatii (r. Bol'shaya Usa) [Devonian–Carboniferous boundary beds in the Vorkuta Transverse Uplift (Bolshaya Usa River)]. Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Estestv. nauki, 2018, vol. 160, book 3, pp. 467–483.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 32_2019 submitted on 07/24/2019 displayed on website on 09/05/2019
24 p.
pdf Lithofacial characteristics and organic matter geochemistry of the Devonian-Carboniferous section оf folded and thrust belt area of the Kosyu-Rogov Depression southeastern part (using Levogrubeyu-1 well data as reference source)
The results of study of the Middle-Upper Palaeozoic bioherm-shoal association in the east of the Timan-Pechora petroleum Basin (based on the Levogrubeyu-1 well description) are presented. The core lithological study allows distinguishing the facial analogues with the succession types of the Bolshaya Nadota carbonate association. It is supposed that the bioherm-shoal association demonstrates similar architecture along the all shelf border. Foraminifera and Conodont studies allow as to improve the biostratigraphic subdivision of the succession discovered by the borehole. The geochemical investigations reveal that the Devonian-Carboniferous rocks in the core samples disclose low hydrocarbon generation potential. On the other hand high hydrocarbon potential is supposed for the clayey-carbonate units of Middle-Late Frasnian age. Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the Conodont Alteration Index indicate a high level maturity of organic matter corresponding to the main gas generation zone (Ro > 1.5 %).

Keywords: lithofacial study, organic matter, hydrocarbons, Upper Palaeozoic, Kosyu-Rogov Depression, Timan-Pechora petroleum basin.
article citation Gruzdev D.A., Kotik I.S., Vevel Ya.A., Zhuravlev A.V., Kotik O.S., Priymak P.I. Litologo-fatsial'naya kharakteristika i geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva devonsko-kamennougol'nykh otlozheniy skladchato-nadvigovoy zony yugo-vostoka Kos'yu-Rogovskoy vpadiny (po dannym skvazhiny Levogrubeyuskaya-1) [Lithofacial characteristics and organic matter geochemistry of the Devonian-Carboniferous section оf folded and thrust belt area of the Kosyu-Rogov Depression southeastern part (using Levogrubeyu-1 well data as reference source)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, available at:
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   Skompski S., Paszkowski M., Krobicki M., Kokovin K., Korn D., Tomas A. & Wrzolek T. Depositional setting of the Devonian/Carboniferous biohermal Bol'shaya Nadota Carbonate Complex, Subpolar Urals. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2001, no. 3, pp. 217-235.
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   Zhuravlev A.V. Sedimentatsionnaya model' oblasti sochleneniya Eletskoy i Lemvinskoy formatsionnykh zon Pripolyarnogo Urala v pogranichnom devonsko-kamennougol'nom intervale [Sedimentation model of the transitional zone from the Elets to Lemva formation belts (Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, Cis-Polar Urals)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, available at:

Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 37_2018 submitted on 07/24/2018 displayed on website on 10/19/2018
19 p.
pdf Organic geochemistry of the Frasnian sections of the northern Chernyshev Ridge area (Timan-Pechora Basin)
For the first time, data are presented on the geochemistry of organic matter belonging to the Darshor stream section (northern part of the Chernyshev Ridge). Lithologically studied section is represented by siliceous-clay-carbonate rocks with interbedding of fine-grained dark gray to black bituminous limestone. The biostratigraphical data correspond to the upper part of the Sargayev - the lower reaches of the Domanik level of the Frasnian age. The distribution of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon biomarkers, the isotopic composition of carbon kerogen, bitumoid and its fractions are characteristic for the organic matter of the Domanik Formation of the Timan-Pechora petroleum bearing basin.
The data of the conodonts color indexes as well as a number of geochemical parameters indicate the degree of the middle mesocatagenesis (“oil window”). The studied deposits have a significant generation potential characteristic for the Domanik rocks - Timan-Pechora petroleum basin at these stage of catagenesis.

Keywords: organic matter, Domanik Formation, mesocatagenesis, Chernyshev Ridge, Timan-Pechora petroleum bearing basin.
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Bushnev D.A. Osobennosti sostava biomarkerov bitumoida i produktov piroliza kerogena otlozheniy verkhnego devona Pechorskogo basseynam [The composition of biomarkers in bitumen and pyrolysis products of kerogen from the Pechora-Basin Upper Devonian deposits]. Neftekhimiya, 2002, no. 5, p. 291–305.
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Bushnev D.A., Burdelnaya N.S. Nefti i organicheskoe veshchestvo pozdnedevonskikh otlozheniy Timano-Pechorskogo basseyna, sopostavlenie po molekulyarnym i izotopnym dannym [Crude Oils and Organic Matter of Late Devonian Deposits of the Timan–Pechora Basin: Comparison by Molecular and Isotopic Data]. Neftekhimiya, 2015, vol. 55, no. 5, p. 375–382.
Bushnev D.A., Burdel'naya N.S., Shadrin A.N., Derevesnikova A.A. Domanikovye otlozheniya Denisovskogo progiba po rezul'tatam issledovaniya kerna skvazhiny Komandirshor-12 [The Domanik deposits of the Denisovsky downfold according to the core data of the Kkomandirshor-12 well]. Vestnik IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2017a, no. 7 (271), p. 12–20. DOI:
Bushnev D.A., Burdel'naya N.S., Smoleva I.V. Fraktsionirovanie izotopov ugleroda pri iskusstvennom sozrevanii organicheskogo veshchestva goryuchikh slantsev v avtoklave v prisutstvii vody [Carbon isotopes fractionation of oil shale organic matter under artificial maturation in an autoclave in the presence of water]. Vestnik IG Komi NTs UrO RAN, 2012, no. 5 (209), p. 15–18.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 35_2018 submitted on 07/11/2018 displayed on website on 10/17/2018
17 p.
pdf Lower Serpukhovian (Lower Carboniferous) of the Kozhim River basin (Subpolar Urals)
Results of study of the Visean-Serpukhovian boundary beds of the Kozhym River basin (Nizhniy Nortnichayol’ Creek) are considered. Biostratigraphy based on conodonts, foraminifers, and algae is described. The early Serpukhovian transgression led to sequential environment changes from quite-water shallow inner shoal to active-water shoal border. Correlation of the study section with sequences of the Kosyu-Rogovaya Depression allows elaborating facial model of the Lower Serpukhovian.

Keywords: Subpolar Urals, Serpukhovian, conodonts, foraminifers, algae, environments.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 19_2018 submitted on 05/14/2018 displayed on website on 06/18/2018
21 p.
pdf  Local stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian – Carboniferous of the north of Pay-Khoy
Analyses of stratigraphical data on Upper Devonian and Carboniferous of the north of Pay-Khoy allow elaborating a new stratigraphic scheme comprising the Pechora and Pay-Khoy formation belts. Correlation of the local stratigraphical units of the belts is based on biostratigraphical and event-stratigraphical methods. A number of interfacial correlative levels corresponding to global eustatic events are detected, namely: Middlesex, Kellwasser, Dasberg, Hangenberg, Late Tournaisian-Early Visean, Mid-Visean, and Mid-Carboniferous.

Keywords: stratigraphical data, Upper Devonian, Carboniferous, interfacial correlative level, eustatic events, Pay-Khoy.
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Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 26_2017 submitted on 06/13/2017 displayed on website on 08/18/2017
20 p.
pdf  Famennian organic matter of the southern part of the Chernyshev Ridge (Iz’yayol River section)
The article presents new data on the stratigraphy and formation conditions of the Famennian siliceous-clayey-carbonate section and about the origin and catagenesis of the belonging organic matter of the Chernyshev Ridge on the Iz’yayol River. The investigated rocks, according to the existing paleofacial reconstructions and new lithological and biostratigraphic (conodonts) data, were formed in the deep-water shelf environment of the western slope of the Kozhym intra-shelf palaeodepression in the crepida and marginifera phases. Hydrocarbons generation potential of the deposits is almost completely realized. The new data are important for understanding of the hydrocarbon generation processes, when realizing the potential of source rocks which had entered in the oil window.

Keywords: organic matter, Famennian, siliceous-clayey-carbonate deposits, Chernyshev Ridge.
article citation Bushnev D.A., Plotitsyn A.N., Gruzdev D.A., Burdel’naya N.S. Organicheskoe veshchestvo famenskikh otlozheniy yuzhnoy chasti gryady Chernysheva (razrez na r. Iz"yael') [Famennian organic matter of the southern part of the Chernyshev Ridge (Iz’yayol River section)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at:

   Bazhenova T.K., Shimanskiy V.K., Vasil'eva V.F., Shapiro A.I., Yakovleva (Gembitskaya) L.A., Klimova L.I. Organicheskaya geokhimiya Timano-Pechorskogo basseyna [Organic Geochemistry of the Timan-Pechora Basin]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, 164 p.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 17_2017 submitted on 02/10/2017 displayed on website on 05/16/2017
13 p.
pdf  Characteristic of the pore space in the Upper-Devonian - Carboniferous Carbonate section of the Pai-Khoy Parautochthone unit
The characteristics of intergrain pore space in the carbonate deposits of the Upper Devonian - Carboniferous Pai-Khoy carbonate parautochtone unit are given. The total and open porosity of carbonate rocks is characterized by low values; however, small pores with an average diameter predominate in the pore space. The main factors controlling the values of intergranular porosity of the Upper Devonian - Carboniferous carbonates are rock texture and the degree of secondary transformations: the porosity is proportional to the detritus size and decreases in thermally matured rocks.

Keywords: intergranular porosity, carbonates, Late Devonian – Carboniferous, Pai-Khoy Carbonate Parautochtone.
article citation Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Ya.A., Gruzdev D.A. Kharakteristika porovogo prostranstva v porodakh verkhnedevonsko-kamennougol'nogo karbonatnogo kompleksa Pay-Khoyskogo paravtokhtona [Characteristic of the pore space in the Upper-Devonian - Carboniferous Carbonate section of the Pai-Khoy Parautochthone unit]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, available at:

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