Petukhov A.V.
Graduated from Ukhta Industrial Institute Ukhta State Technical University), specialization «geology and exploration of oil and gas fields»
Professor, Department «development and exploitation of oil and gas fields», St. Petersburg Mining Institute.
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Area of scientific interest: oil recovery enhancing in the development of fractured reservoirs and high-viscosity oil.
Author of more than 130 publications.
Article # 10_2015 | submitted on 12/23/2013 displayed on website on 03/18/2015 |
16 p. | Podoprigora D.G., Petukhov A.V., Syuzev O.B. |
Laboratory research of change in reservoir properties of polymictic sandstones after their development using polymer drilling mud | |
Samples of polymictic sandstones from different fields after impact of polymer drilling mud were studied in vitro. During core samples studying by means of FDES-645 installation the existence of micro-fractures was confirmed in core samples from low-permeability polymictic sandstones of the Dneprovsko-Donetsky structural low and the possibility of their disclosure in the course of drilling was shown for the purpose to assess a damage rate of productive layer in the static and dynamic modes. On the example of core sample of polymictic sandstone of the Vyngapurovsky field located in the Western Siberia the twofold decrease in permeability after dynamic impact of polymer drilling mud modeling conditions of well washing is shown. As a result of experiments the formation of a firm polymeric film of drilling mud at high temperatures was also identified. It is shown that this film can be effectively deleted with water solution of hydrochloric acid. Keywords: polymictic sandstones, polymer drilling mud, permeability, micro-fractures, polymeric film, hydrochloric acid, Dneprovsko-Donetsky structural low, Western Siberia. |
article citation | Podoprigora D.G., Petukhov A.V., Syuzev O.B. Laboratornye issledovaniya izmeneniya fil'tratsionno-emkostnykh svoystv polimiktovykh peschanikov pri ikh vskrytii s ispol'zovaniem polimernogo burovogo rastvora [Laboratory research of change in reservoir properties of polymictic sandstones after their development using polymer drilling mud]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/12/10_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/10_2015 |
Kalinin V.F. Intensifikatsiya pritokov nefti i gaza pri osvoenii skvazhin, vskryvshikh terrigennye kollektory [Intensifikation of inflows of oil and gas during development of wells which opened terrigenous reservoirs]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2005, no. 1, p. 61-63. |
Article # 12_2013 | submitted on 02/11/2013 displayed on website on 03/06/2013 |
17 p. | Roschin P.V., Petukhov A.V., Vasquez Cardenas L.C., Nazarov A.D. , Khromykh L.N. |
Fields of Samara region - study of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oil | |
The development of heavy high-viscosity oil fields is becoming urgent due to the steady decline of active reserves of light oil. The results of experiments, aimed at determination of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oils from fields of Samara region are presented. It was found that all studied samples of heavy oils from Borovskoe, Buzbashskoe and Perukhnovskoe fields exhibits thixotropic properties; and the intensity of these properties depends mainly on the temperature. With increasing temperature, there is a sharp decrease in oil viscosity due to the destruction of complex spatial structure of coagulation-crystallization type in the oils from Borovskoe, Buzbashskoe and Perukhnovskoe oil fields. The results of provided research substantiate and propose the implementation of effective integrated technology of enhanced oil recovery into the operation of these fields. It is shown that the structure of coagulation and coagulation-crystallization types can form in oils, the destruction of which requires considerably more energy input. Therefore, the application together with the thermal effects of dispersants and solvents will significantly improve the development efficiency of these fields. Key words: heavy high-viscosity oil, heavy high viscosity oil properties, enhanced oil recovery, rheotest, viscosity, Samara region fields. |
article citation | Roshchin P.V., Petukhov A.V., Vasquez Cardenas L.C., Nazarov A.D., Khromykh L.N Issledovanie reologicheskikh svoystv vysokovyazkikh i vysokoparafinistykh neftey mestorozhdeniy Samarskoy oblasti [Fields of Samara region - study of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oil]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/9/12_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/12_2013 |
Devlikamov V.V., Khabibullin Z.A., Kabirov M.M. Anomal'nye nefti [Abnormal oils]. Moscow: Nedra, 1975, 168 p.
Rogachev M.K., Kolonskikh A.V. Issledovanie vyazkouprugikh i tiksotropnykh svoystv nefti Usinskogo mestorozhdeniya [The study of viscoelastic and thixotropic properties of oil of Usinsk deposit]. Neftegazovoe delo, 2009, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 37-42.
Edward D. Holstein (Editor). Petroleum Engineering Handbook. Volume V. Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics, 2007, p. 1360.
Max Medina. SAGD: R&D for Unlocking Unconventional Heavy-Oil Resources. The Way Ahead. SPE, 2010, 4 p.
Roland P. Leaute. Liquid Addition to Steam for Enhancing Recovery (LASER) of Bitumen with CSS: Evolution of Technology from Research Concept to a Field Pilot at Cold Lake. SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium and International Horizontal Well Technology Conference, 4-7 November 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Article # 33_2012 | submitted on 05/14/2012 displayed on website on 06/15/2012 |
21 p. | Petukhov A.V., Shelepov I.V., Petukhov A.A., Kuklin A.I. |
Power law and self-similarity principle for investigation of fractured reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation | |
Some aspects of self-similarity, scaling, self-organization and fractal theory for investigation of fractured oil and gas reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation of filtration processes are analyzed. Special attention is paid to relationships between these conceptions and power distribution law, which has a long history of implementation for describing complex systems including natural self-similar fractal structures. It is shown, that fractures are as widespread and important in terrigenous rocks as in carbonate rocks of complex type. This should be taken into account during field development.
Key words: self-similarity, scaling, self-organization, fractal theory, fractured reservoirs, oil, gas, initial oil flow rate, cumulative production. |
article citation | Petukhov A.V., Shelepov I.V., Petukhov A.A., Kuklin A.I. Stepennoy zakon i printsip samopodobiya pri izuchenii treshchinovatykh neftegazonosnykh kollektorov i gidrodinamicheskom modelirovanii protsessa razrabotki [Power law and self-similarity principle for investigation of fractured reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/33_2012.pdf |
Barrier B., Turcotte D.L. Seismicity and self-organized criticality. Phys. Rev, 1994, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 1151-1162. |
Article # 7_2011 | submitted on 02/16/2011 displayed on website on 03/01/2011 |
13 p. | Nikitin M.N., Petukhov A.V. |
Enhanсing recovery efficiency of hard-extracted oil reserves in complex reservoirs using gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base | |
Peculiarities of producing oil wells drowning in fractured reservoirs are considered. New effective gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base intended for water-shutoff and injectivity profile leveling in fractured reservoir conditions of Yaregskoe and Usinskoe oil fields is proposed. The results of the composition’s filtration experiments are presented. It is shown that the offered gel-forming composition could be successfully used for water shutoff in fractured complex structure reservoir conditions and also in cases of light oil reservoirs of complex structure and of different lithologic composition. Key words: extra heavy oil, complex structure reservoirs, fracturing of rocks, gel-forming compositions, flow resistance factor, selectivity. |
article citation | Nikitin M.N., Petukhov A.V. Povyshenie effektivnosti izvlecheniya trudnoizvlekaemykh zapasov nefti v slozhnykh kollektorakh putem ispol'zovaniya geleobrazuyushchego sostava na osnove silikata natriya [Enhanсing recovery efficiency of hard-extracted oil reserves in complex reservoirs using gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/9/7_2011.pdf |
Bagrintseva K.I. Treshchinovatost' osadochnykh porod [Fracturing of sedimentary rocks]. Moscow: Nedra, 1982, 256 p. |