Nikitin M.N.
Graduated from Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, specialization «development and operation of oil and gas fields» (2009). Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State Mining Institute.
Area of scientific interest: oil recovery enhancing and water production limiting in high-viscosity oil fields in fractured reservoirs.
Author of 18 publications.
Article # 7_2011 | submitted on 02/16/2011 displayed on website on 03/01/2011 |
13 p. | Nikitin M.N., Petukhov A.V. |
Enhanсing recovery efficiency of hard-extracted oil reserves in complex reservoirs using gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base | |
Peculiarities of producing oil wells drowning in fractured reservoirs are considered. New effective gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base intended for water-shutoff and injectivity profile leveling in fractured reservoir conditions of Yaregskoe and Usinskoe oil fields is proposed. The results of the composition’s filtration experiments are presented. It is shown that the offered gel-forming composition could be successfully used for water shutoff in fractured complex structure reservoir conditions and also in cases of light oil reservoirs of complex structure and of different lithologic composition. Key words: extra heavy oil, complex structure reservoirs, fracturing of rocks, gel-forming compositions, flow resistance factor, selectivity. |
article citation | Nikitin M.N., Petukhov A.V. Povyshenie effektivnosti izvlecheniya trudnoizvlekaemykh zapasov nefti v slozhnykh kollektorakh putem ispol'zovaniya geleobrazuyushchego sostava na osnove silikata natriya [Enhanсing recovery efficiency of hard-extracted oil reserves in complex reservoirs using gel-forming composition on sodium silicate base]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/9/7_2011.pdf |
Bagrintseva K.I. Treshchinovatost' osadochnykh porod [Fracturing of sedimentary rocks]. Moscow: Nedra, 1982, 256 p. |