Larichev A.I.
Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (1972), specialization «geologist and geochemist».
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Deputy Director for oil and gas exploration of VSEGEI.
Area of scientific interests: geological structure and petroleum potential forecast of sedimentary basins of Siberia.
Author of more than 100 publications, 5 copyright certificates on geological and geochemical methods of hydrocarbon deposits prospecting.
Article # 42_2021 | submitted on 10/01/2021 displayed on website on 12/27/2021 |
67 p. | Melikhov V.N., Larichev A.I., Zolotov A.P. |
International research project "GIS - geological atlas of the Caspian region": results and prospects for petroleum exploration | |
The current state of the oil and gas geological research of the international Caspian project is summarized. The current results and prospects of oil and gas exploration in the petroleum provinces and basins of the Caspian-Aral-Amu Darya region are evaluated. Keywords: oil and gas province, oil and gas exploration prospects, international Caspian research project, Caspian-Aral-Amu Darya region. |
article citation | Melikhov V.N., Larichev A.I., Zolotov A.P. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy proekt «GIS-atlas kart geologicheskogo soderzhaniya Kaspiyskogo regiona»: rezul'taty i perspektivy razvedki na neft' i gaz [International research project "GIS - geological atlas of the Caspian region": results and prospects for petroleum exploration]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/42_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2021 |
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Konsolidirovannaya kora Kaspiyskogo regiona: opyt rayonirovaniya [Consolidated crust of the Caspian region: experience of zoning]. Yu.G. Leonov, Yu.A. Volozh, M.P. Antipov, V.A. Bykadorov, T.N. Kheraskova; editor Yu.G. Leonov. Moscow: GEOS, 2010, 64 p. (Trudy Geologicheskogo instituta; issue 593).
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Melikhov V.N. Resursnyy potentsial i perspektivy razvedki transgranichnykh neftegazonosnykh basseynov Yugo-Vostochnogo Turkmenistana, yuzhnykh regionov Uzbekistana i Tadzhikistana, Severnogo Afganistana i Severo-Vostochnogo Irana [Resource potential and exploration prospects of cross-border oil and gas basins of southeastern Turkmenistan, southern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, northern Afghanistan and northeastern Iran]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/6_2013.pdf DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/6_2013
Melikhov V.N., Krylov N.A., Shevchenko I.V., Shuster V.L. Yuzhno-Kaspiyskaya neftegazonosnaya provintsiya, Yugo-Zapadnyy Turkmenistan - perspektivy razvedki mezozoyskogo etazha na gaz i neft' [South Caspian oil and gas province, Southwestern Turkmenistan - prospects for exploration of the Mesozoic section for gas and oil]. Aktual'nye problemy nefti i gaza, 2021, issue 1(32), pp. 102-133. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29222/ipng.2078-5712.2021-32.art8
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Neftegazonosnye basseyny Kazakhstana i perspektivy ikh osvoeniya [Petroleum basins of Kazakhstan and prospects for their development]. Editors B.M. Kuandykova, U.A. Achkulakova, B.A. Eskozha, N.E. Kuantaeva, N.G. Matloshinskogo, K.M. Taskinbaeva, M.S. Trokhimenko, O.S. Turkova, M.Sh. Nazarova. Almaty: Kazakhstanskoe obshchestvo neftyanikov-geologov, 2015, 476 p.
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Volozh Yu.A., Bykadorov V.A., Antipov M.P., Bykadorov I.V., Parasyna V.S., Postnikova I.S., Sapozhnikov RB, Kheraskova T.N. Neftegazoperspektivnye ob"ekty paleozoyskogo podsolevogo razreza Prikaspiyskoy vpadiny [Oil and gas perspective targets of the sub salt Paleozoic of the Pre-Caspian basin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019a, vol. 14, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/39_2019.html. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/39_2019
Volozh Yu.A., Gogonenkov G.N., Deliya S.V., Korchagin O.A., Komarov A.Yu., Rybal'chenko V.V., Sibilev M.A., Stenin V.P., Pykhalov V.V., Titarenko I.A., Tokman A.K. Uglevodorodnyy potentsial glubokikh gorizontov Astrakhanskoy zony neftegazonakopleniya: problemy i resheniya [Hydrocarbon potential of deeply buried reservoirs in the Astrakhan oil and gas accumulation zone: problems and solutions]. Geotektonika, 2019b, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 3-21.
Article # 43_2017 | submitted on 12/01/2017 displayed on website on 12/19/2017 |
23 p. | Mazitov M.R., Kachkin A.A., Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Khabarov A.N., Semenova Z.A. |
Geological-geochemical criteria of the Anabaro-Khatang saddle petroleum | |
Geological and geochemical criteria of potentially oil and gas bearing accumulation of the Anabar-Khatangskaya saddle are considered. On the example of the Lower Kozhevnikov Formation of the Early Permian age, the following elements were analyzed: the thickness of oil and gas-bearing rocks and their ontact zones subjected to high-temperature destroying of organic matter under the influence of stratified intrusions; types and catagenesis stage of organic matter; contents of organic carbon and hydrogen index. For the Riphean, Cambrian, Devonian, Permian and Jurassic sequences, a comparative analysis of the distribution of the hydrogen index was carried out. The territory of the Anabar-Khatanga saddle is subdivided according to the probability of oil and gas bearing of different age deposits.
Keywords: oil and gas accumulation, catagenesis stage of organic matter, hydrogen index, petroleum prospects, Anabar-Khatanga saddle. |
article citation | Mazitov M.R., Kachkin A.A., Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Khabarov A.N., Semenova Z.A. Geologo-geokhimicheskie kriterii neftegazonosnosti Anabaro-Khatangskoy sedloviny [Geological-geochemical criteria of the Anabaro-Khatang saddle petroleum]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/43_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/43_2017 |
Bogorodskaya L.I., Kontorovich A.E., Larichev A.I. Kerogen: Metody izucheniya, geokhimicheskaya interpretatsiya [Kerogen: Methods of study, geochemical interpretation]. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo SO RAN, filial «Geo», 2005, 254 p. |
Article # 33_2013 | submitted on 07/09/2013 displayed on website on 09/10/2013 |
20 p. | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I. |
Geological and geochemical criteria of oil and gas bearing section in the contact zone of the Pre-Jurassic basement and sedimentary cover in the sublatitudinal Pre-Ob region | |
Numerous oil and gas fields, including the Rogozhnikovskoe large field and the Talinskoe giant field, have been discovered in Frolovsk and Priuralsk oil-and-gas bearing regions in Western Siberia. This area is covered with a dense network of wells reaching the Pre-Jurassic basement in the unconformity contact zone between the Pre-Jurassic basement and the sedimentary cover. The unconformity contact zone is poorly investigated by drilling within the territory of "Lukoil-Western Siberia" Ltd. activity in the sublatitudinal Pre-Ob Region. However, oil inflows enabling to rely upon the discovery of commercial pools have been obtained here as well. Assumed, reservoirs of hydrocarbons are as follows: crushing and fracture zones, weathering crusts of carbonate and effusive rocks belonging to the basement highs, sand-silt traps of the lower layers of the sedimentary cover. Geochemical data proved that oil source are predominantly clayey layers: Levinsk, Kiterbyutsk, Laydinsk, and Leontievsk Formations, overlapping the basement highs (or adjacent to them) in different areas in the region. Kitchen of the most intense hydrocarbon generation are confined to depressions of the 1st structural order. For the whole study area and especially for the most promising targets, distinguished by seismic, gravity, and geological-geochemical data were analyzed. The space genetic method as quantitative estimation of the initial hydrocarbon geological sources was used.
Key words: Western Siberia, sublatitudinal Pre-Ob Region, oil-and-gas content criteria, contact zone, oil and gas formation, quantitative assessment of resources. |
article citation | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I. Geologo-geokhimicheskie kriterii neftegazonosnosti zony kontakta doyurskogo fundamenta i osadochnogo chekhla v Shirotnom Priob'e [Geological and geochemical criteria of oil and gas bearing section in the contact zone of the Pre-Jurassic basement and sedimentary cover in the sublatitudinal Pre-Ob region]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/33_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/33_2013 |
Kontorovich A.E. Geokhimicheskie metody kolichestvennogo prognoza neftegazonosnosti [Geochemical methods of quantitative forecast of oil and gas content]. Moscow: Nedra, 1976, 249 p.
Potryasov A.A., Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Smirnov L.V., Bostrikov O.I., Fomichev A.S., Devyatov V.P., Ekhanin A.E. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' zon dezintegratsii porod fundamenta Shirotnogo Priob'ya (territoriya deyatel'nosti TPP “Kogalymneftegaz”) [Geological structure and oil-and-gas content in the zones of basement rocks disintegration in the Latitudinal Ob Region (area of TPP "Kogalymneftegas" activities)]. In: Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo potentsiala KhMAO [Ways of realization of oil and gas potential in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug] Volume 1. (Eighth Scientific-Practical Conference). Edited by Karasev V.I., Akhpatelov E.A., Volkov V.A. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2005, p. 129-140.
Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I. Flyuidodinamicheskie sistemy v produktivnykh otlozheniyakh osadochnogo chekhla Shirotnogo Priob'ya [Fluid dynamic systems in productive deposits of the sedimentary cover in the Latitudinal Ob Region]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2011, no. 3, p. 63-70.
Spravochnik po geokhimii nefti i gaza [Handbook of oil and gas geochemistry]. St. Petersburg: JSC "Nedra Publishing House", 1998, 576 p.
Article # 20_2013 | submitted on 05/25/2013 displayed on website on 06/17/2013 |
12 p. | Larichev A.I., Medvedev N.Ya., Kos I.M., Melnikov N.V., Konstantinova L.N., Fedorovich M.O., Ukhlova G.D., Kalgin V.P. |
The forecast of Achimov sandstone reservoirs (Hauterivian) on the western part of Surgut arch (Western Siberia) | |
Several groups of sandy-silty bodies, characterized by certain reservoir properties, were distinguished on the basis of relative amplitude of spontaneous polarization. Curves of spontaneous polarization are used for local forecast of sandy body-reservoir, zones of their pinching-out and associated lithological traps. The investigation of correlation between reservoir properties of sandstones and dynamic parameters of wave field was conducted. Inverse relationships between high correlation coefficients of net thickness of sand layer and net sand. coefficient and signal form and reflection coherence were analyzed. The north-east elongated narrow zones are traced from dynamic parameters of reflecting horizons that suggest discrete reservoir distribution in the Achimov strata. Such structure is confirmed by seismic time sections reprocessed using REAPAK.
Key words: sandstone-siltstone reservoirs, Achimov strata, relative amplitude of spontaneous polarization, local forecast. |
article citation | Larichev A.I., Medvedev N.Ya., Kos I.M., Melnikov N.V., Konstantinova L.N., Zakhryamina M.O., Ukhlova G.D., Kalgin V.P. Prognoz kollektorov v achimovskikh peschanikakh na zapade Surgutskogo svoda [The forecast of Achimov sandstone reservoirs (Hauterivian) on the western part of Surgut arch (Western Siberia)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/20_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/20_2013 |
Karogodin Yu.N., Ershov S.V., Safonov V.S. Priobskaya neftenosnaya zona Zapadnoy Sibiri: Sistemno-litmologicheskiy aspect [Priobskaya oil zone of Western Siberia: System-lithmologycal aspect]. Novosibirsk: SO RAN, NITs OIGGM, 1996, 252 p.
Muromtsev V.S. Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel – litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza [Electrometric geology of sandy bodies – depositional traps of oil and gas]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1984, 230 p.
Skripunov M.G., Lazarev I.S., Sklyar T.T., Vakarina I.V., Lokshina N.V., Prokoshev N.A., Sulima S.A. Osobennosti vyrabotki zapasov nefti iz plastov AS7-9 Yaun-Lorskogo i Vachimskogo mestorozhdeniy [The particularities of generation of petroleum reserves from layers AS7-9 of Yaun-Lorskoe and Vachimskoe fields]. Neft' Surguta. «Izdatel'stvo «Neftyanoe khozyaystvo», 1997, p. 175-184.
Zolotov A.N., Lur'e A.G., Rudnitskaya D.I., Salmanov F.K. Izuchenie produktivnykh otlozheniy neokoma Vostochno-Urengoyskogo mestorozhdeniya [Study of the productive deposits of neokom East-Urengoy field]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1998, no. 8, p. 2-11.
Article # 31_2011 | submitted on 07/12/2011 displayed on website on 08/16/2011 |
19 p. | Bostrikov O.I., Larichev A.I., Fomichev A.S. |
Geochemical aspects of Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian plate in view of hydrocarbon potential evaluation | |
Data on macro-component content, concentration, distribution and catagenesis of dispersed organic matter in the Levin, Kiterbyut, Laydin, and Leontyev sections of the Lower-Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian Plate have been analyzed. Quantitative evaluation of oil-and-gas formation processing in these strata is presented.
Key words: organic matter, catagenesis, estimation of oil-and-gas formation, Lower-Middle Jurassic strata, West-Siberian Plate. |
article citation | Bostrikov O.I., Larichev A.I., Fomichev A.S. Geochemical aspects of Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian plate in view of hydrocarbon potential evaluation // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. -V.6. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/31_2011.pdf |
Article # 19_2010 | submitted on 02/10/2010 displayed on website on 05/17/2010 |
18 p. | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. |
Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia | |
The existence of fluid-dynamic systems in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Sredneob petroleum region central part,
Western Siberia, is substantiated. For this propose the scale of oil and gas formation is assessed in the sedimentary cover lower horizons, the kitchens of intensive hydrocarbon generation and also the lateral and vertical transit zones and the zones of hydrocarbon accumulation are determined. Regional, zonal and local fluid-dynamic systems are identified. Based on the data on oil inflows, the distribution of disjunctive dislocations and the zones of pinching out of regional seals the forecast of distributing the high-output
oil-saturated reservoir rocks in main productive horizons is performed.
Key words: Western Siberia, Sredneob oil-and-gas region, scale of oil-and-gas formation, fluid-dynamic systems, forecast of high-output reservoirs. |
article citation | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/19_2010.pdf |
Article # 43_2008 | submitted on 10/16/2008 displayed on website on 11/07/2008 |
28 p. | Samsonov V.V., Larichev A.I. |
Perspective oil-gas complexes of southern Siberian platform | |
The present ideas about the structure of major productive complexes of southern Siberian platform (Riphean, Vendian and Lower Cambrian) are considered. The major zones of oil-gas accumulation are shown. The differentiated expert estimation of forecast hydrocarbon resources is performed; the methods of their development are recommended Key words: Siberian platform, productive complexes, oil-gas accumulation zones, resources, methods of development. |
article citation | Samsonov V.V., Larichev A.I. Perspective oil-gas complexes of southern Siberian platform // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/43_2008.pdf |
Article # 21_2008 | displayed on website on 05/21/2008 |
16 p. | Trushkova L.Ya., Larichev A.I., Skachek K.G., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Ganin A.V., Mikhailov S.A., Sergeev D.A. |
Geological structure and conditions of forming the Neocomian reservoirs of the South-Western uplift of the Yuzno-Yagun field | |
The dissection and correlation (by layers) of the Neocomian БC10-11 productive stratum, South-Western uplift, Yuzhno-Yagun field, Western Siberia, are performed. The model of productive stratum structure and sedimentation is developed on the basis of conventional technique and technology of automatized correlating the well sequences. The ways of optimizing the geological-technological measurements in the productive stratum at the uplift arch are outlined; the forecast resource estimation is made, recommendations for exploration in the margin parts of the South-Western uplift are developed.
Key words: Western Siberia, Surgyt arch, Yuzhno-Yagun oil field, Neocomian, seismic survey, logging, correlation by beds, cycle character, productive stratum, model of structure, clinoforms. |
article citation | Trushkova L.Ya., Larichev A.I., Skachek K.G., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Ganin A.V., Mikhailov S.A., Sergeev D.A. Geological structure and conditions of forming the Neocomian reservoirs of the South-Western uplift of the Yuzno-Yagun field // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/21_2008.pdf |