Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # 25_2018 submitted on 05/31/2018 displayed on website on 07/16/2018
17 p.
pdf  Cоnnection of salt diapirs activity with hydrocarbon presence on closely spaced sites
Increasing of industry needs in energy carriers requires constant replenishment of the hydrocarbon resource base for ceaseless production. Salt diapirs as the most tectonic mobile parts of the sedimentary cover, connecting the hydrocarbon generation areas with the sites of their accumulation over the migration ways, which often coincide with the tectonic zones interconnected with the diapiric ways. Investigations of processes and rates of fluid migration prove that all existing hydrocarbon accumulations represents a relatively recent process time in geological terms, therefore, the prospects for oil and gas availability and the preliminary quantification of hydrocarbons on the adjacent areas of salt diapirs are proposed to be determined based on an analysis of their development during the Mesozoic era.

Keywords: salt diapir, tectonic activity, fluid migration, hydrocarbon pool, oil and gas prospects.
article citation Zagorodnov A.V. Svyaz' aktivnosti solyanykh shtokov s nalichiem zalezhey uglevodorodov na prilegayushchikh k nim uchastkakh [Cоnnection of salt diapirs activity with hydrocarbon presence on closely spaced sites]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/8/25_2018.pdf
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/25_2018

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