Нефтегазовая геология.
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Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika
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Edition no. 4 2024, vol. 19
Geochemical research
Kotik O.S., Kotik I.S., Pronina N.V.
Organic matter of Domanik petroleum source rocks on the Chernyshev Ridge: composition, maturity and hydrocarbon potential (Timan-Pechora petroleum province)
Petroleum potential and development
Toshkulov A.D., Gaffarov M.A., Mamirov Zh.R., Shamsutdinova A.R.
Analysis of the pattern distribution of the condensate content of the gas reservoirs belonging to Kuanysh-Koskala swell fields (Ustyurt region, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Balina T.O., Sidоrova N.Yu., Lats S.A., Savenko V.A.
Construction of a zonal geological and geophysical model of the North Serginsk zone in order to study the regional features of the formation of sedimentary cover and assess the petroleum prospects