Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 25_2013 | submitted on 06/14/2013 displayed on website on 06/21/2013 |
36 p. | Prischepa O.M., Bogatsky V.I., Grigorenko T.I., Orlova L.A., Chumakova O.V. |
New insights into petroleum potential prospects of the northwestern areas of Timan-Pechora province | |
Regional exploration (carried out using governmental finance) is concentrated in poor-explored peripheral areas of provinces with unestimated oil and gas prospects. One of these is the north-western area of the Timan-Pechora province, covering the northern part of the Izhma-Pechora Depression and the land and offshore areas of the Malozemelsk-Kolguev monocline.
Exploration companies and investors are not showing interest about these areas due to several reasons: (a) significant reduction in the thickness of sedimentary cover, including perspective areas, (b) lack of reliable assessment of the resources of local objects, and (c) oil and gas source rocks are not known in this area.
Performed exploration has allowed to establish more extensive development activity of such perspective sections as the Lower-Middle Ordovician and Middle Devonian – Lower Frasnian clastic, Semiluksky-Tournaisian carbonate unit. The tectonic structure was clarified; and the buried shaft (Novoborsky), within which there is no drilled wells nowadays, was identified.
The assumption is made about the possibility of tracing buried structures in the offshore area within Malozemelsk-Kolguev monocline, which requires additional exploration.
The proposed research program may lead to identifying new exploration targets, onshore and offshore.
Key words: tectonic structure, petroleum potential prospects, buried structures Lower-Middle Ordovician oil and gas complex, oil and gas accumulation zones, Izhma-Pechora Depression. |
article citation | Prishchepa O.M., Bogatskiy V.I., Grigorenko T.I., Orlova L.A., Chumakova O.V. Novye predstavleniya o perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti severo-zapadnykh rayonov Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [New insights into petroleum potential prospects of the northwestern areas of Timan-Pechora province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available at: |
DOI | |
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Neruchev S.G., Bazhenova T.K., Smirnov S.V., Andreeva O.A., Klimova L.I. Otsenka potentsial'nykh resursov uglevodorodov na osnove modelirovaniya protsessov ikh generatsii, migratsii i akkumulyatsii [Evaluation of potential hydrocarbon reserves on the basis of modeling the processes of their generation, migration and accumulation]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra. - 2006. – 364 s.
Prishchepa O.M. Zony neftegazonakopleniya - metodicheskie podkhody k ikh vydeleniyu, obespechivayushchie sovremennoe reshenie zadach otrasli [Zones of oil-gas accumulation: methodical approaches to their establishment ensuring the modern solution of problems of an oil-gas-producing branch]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2008, vol. 3, no. 2, available at:
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Prishchepa O.M., Bazhenova T.K., Bogatskiy V.I.Neftegazonosnye sistemy Timano-Pechorskogo osadochnogo basseyna (vklyuchaya akvatorial'nuyu Pechoromorskuyu chast') [Petroleum systems of Timan-Pechora sedimentary basin (including the offshore part of the Pechora Sea)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2011, no. 8, p. 1129-1150.
Prishchepa O.M., Bogatskiy V.I. Perspektivy maloizuchennykh rayonov i neotsenennykh gorizontov Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii kak rezul'tat utochneniya skhemy tektonicheskogo rayonirovaniya [Prospects of poorly studied areas and invaluable strata of Timan-Pechora province as a result of tectonic zoning scheme clarification]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2012, no. 2, p. 4-12.
Prishchepa O.M., Bogatskiy V.I., Chumakova O.V., Aver'yanova O.Yu. Perspektivnye napravleniya geologorazvedochnykh rabot v Malozemel'sko-Kolguevskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Perspective directions of exploration in Malozemelsk-Kolguev oil and gas area]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2010, no. 4, p. 45-53.
Senin S.V., Kuranov A.V., Kutlinskiy A.A. Geologo-geokhimicheskie predposylki neftegazonosnosti nizhneordovikskikh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Geological and geochemical background of petroleum potential of the Lower Ordovician deposits in western part of the Timan-Pechora province]. Syr'evaya baza nefti i gaza territoriy i sopredel'nykh akvatoriy – osnova razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii: sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (4-7 June 2012). Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2012. – S. 100-106.
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