Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 23_2019 | submitted on 05/21/2019 displayed on website on 07/11/2019 |
10 p. | Bikeeva L.R. |
Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data | |
The article discusses the possibilities of structural interpretation of space image and morphometric analysis of the latest tectonic movements in the poorly studied petroleum bearing north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region (Khorezm monocline and Misheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps). The regional latest structure of the territory and the connection of the relief with the deep tectonic structure of the Meso-Cenozoic cover and with the basement surface are revealed by structural interpretation of space photographs. In the sedimentary section, ordered systems of lineaments, which are paragenetic associations of different-scale disjunctives with azimuth-bearing directivity, are distinguished. As a result of the study a new geotectonic zoning was performed. Keywords: satellite imagery data, lineament fracture system, geotectonic zoning, petroleum bearing, Bukhara-Khiva region. |
article citation | Bikeeva L.R. Geotektonicheskoe rayonirovanie zony sochleneniya Khorezmskoy monoklinali, Mesheklinskogo podnyatiya, Dashkalinskogo i Birgutli-Shortaklinskogo progibov po dannym deshifrirovaniya kosmofotosnimkov [Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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Kholliev O.A., Muratov A.S., Akramova N.M., Bikeeva L.R. Perspektivy gazonosnosti zapadnoy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni po geologo-geokhimicheskim dannym [Prospects for gas content in the western part of the Chardzhou stage according to geological and geochemical data]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2019, no. 2, р. 15-18.
Bikeeva L.R. Neotektonicheskie osobennosti stroeniya severo- zapadnoy chasti Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh issledovaniy [Neotectonic features of the structure of the north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region according to cosmogeological studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, p. 24-29.
Kholliev O.A., Muratov A.S., Akramova N.M., Bikeeva L.R. Perspektivy gazonosnosti zapadnoy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni po geologo-geokhimicheskim dannym [Prospects for gas content in the western part of the Chardzhou stage according to geological and geochemical data]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2019, no. 2, р. 15-18.