Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podol'skiy Yu.V.
Article # 6_2013
28 p.
pdf  Resource potential and exploration prospects of cross-border oil and gas basins of southeastern Turkmenistan, southern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, northern Afghanistan and northeastern Iran
The evaluation of gas and oil resources was carried out. The assessment of exploration prospects of cross-border oil and gas basins of south-eastern Turkmenistan and neighboring regions of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran is presented. The oil exploration of the south of Murghab Depression is proposed.

Key words: oil and gas basin, oil and gas resources, field, exploration prospects, south of the Central Asia.
article citation Melikhov V.N. Resursnyy potentsial i perspektivy razvedki transgranichnykh neftegazonosnykh basseynov Yugo-Vostochnogo Turkmenistana, yuzhnykh regionov Uzbekistana i Tadzhikistana, Severnogo Afganistana i Severo-Vostochnogo Irana [Resource potential and exploration prospects of cross-border oil and gas basins of southeastern Turkmenistan, southern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, northern Afghanistan and northeastern Iran ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at:
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