Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 5_2013 | submitted on 07/27/2012 displayed on website on 01/14/2013 |
45 p. | Verba M.L. |
Sedimentary cover reservoir of Svalbard archipelago | |
The data obtained by the author during field works in the vicinity of the Barentsburg and Pyramid mines of Arktikugol complex of enterprises are analyzed. Additional information obtained by previous researchers in various areas of the Svalbard archipelago, including wells Grumantskaya-1 and Raddedalen-1, is used, as well as the results of petrophysical study of the collection of geologists of Polar Marine Geological Expedition and VNIIOkeangeologia. The results of laboratory study of porosity, density, velocity and magnetic properties are presented. It is concluded that the Phanerozoic sediments’ section is not so hopeless in terms of porosity and permeability as previously thought. Furthermore, the section of Svalbard archipelago has similar features with the section of the Timan-Pechora province in terms of reservoir properties (one of the prerequisites for petroleum potential). The different types of reservoirs are identified on the basis of petrophysical properties in the Lower Paleozoic, Middle Devonian, Lower and Middle Carboniferous, Middle Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleocene strata, which sometimes contain fluid migration. The halogen bands and permafrost rocks are considered as confining beds.
Key words: petrophysics, reservoirs, confining beds, permafrost, sedimentary cover, Phanerozoic, wells, Svalbard archipelago. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Kollektornye svoystva porod osadochnogo chekhla arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen [Sedimentary cover reservoir of Svalbard archipelago]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: |
DOI | |
Alekhin S.V., Armishev A.M., Baturin D.G., Borisov A.V., Bro E.G., Verba V.V., Verba M.L., Vinogradov A.V., Volk V.E., Gramberg I.S. (red.), Gurevich V.I., Daragan-Sushchova L.A., Zhuravlev V.A., Zarkhidze V.S., Ivanova N.M., Kerusov N.I., Krasil'shchikov A.A., Livshits Yu.Ya., Malovitskiy Ya.P., Makhotina G.P., Ostistyy B.K., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Pchelina T.M., Ronkina Z.Z., Senin B.S., Tsilev V.R., Shipel'kevich Yu.V., Shipilov E.V., Yunov A.Yu., Yashin D.S. Barentsevskaya shel'fovaya plita [Barents shelf plate]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1988, 263 p.
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Spitsbergen area exploration programs pick up. Oil and Gas Journal, 1985, 83, no. 5, p. 40-41.
Tertiary Tectonics of Svalbard. Extended abstracts from Symposium. Edited by W.K. Dallmann, Y. Ohta, A. Andersen. Oslo, 26-27 April 1988.
Townsend Ch., Mann A. The Tertiary orogenic belt of West Spitsbergen. AComment. Norsk. Gejl. Tidsskr., vol. 69, 1989. p. 135-136.
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Verba M.L. Geologicheskie i geokhimicheskie predposylki perspektiv neftenosnosti srednepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Andre-Diksonskogo avlakogena (Shpitsbergen) [Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at:
Verba M.L. Pritok nefti iz paleogenovykh otlozheniy Shpitsbergena [The oil flow from the Paleogene deposits of Spitsbergen]. Geologicheskoe stroenie perspektivnykh akvatoriy Mirovogo okeana. Leningrad: Sevmorgeo, 1989, p. 55-65.
Verba M.L. Proyavleniya prirodnykh uglevodorodov v osadochnom chekhle Shchpitsbergena [Natural hydrocarbon manifestations in the sedimentary cover of Svalbard]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2007, vol. 2, available at:
Verba M.L. Srednepaleozoyskie riftogennye struktury Barentsevskoy plity [Middle Paleozoic rift structures of Barents plate]. In: Poiski, razvedka i dobycha nefti i gaza v Timano-Pechorskom basseyne i Barentsevom more. Papers of II international conference, VNIGRI, 24-28 June 1996. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1996, p. 89-96.
Verba M.L., Verba Yu.L. Metamorfity Billef'ordskoy zony razlomov na Shpitsbergene – gorst dokembriyskikh porod, ili paleozoyskaya intruziya? [Metamorphites of Billeford fault zones on Svalbard - horst of the Precambrian rocks or Paleozoic intrusions?]. Geologo-geofizicheskie kharakteristiki litosfery Arkticheskogo regiona, 2002, vol. 4, p. 178-198.
Verba M.L., Zakharov E.V., Margulis L.S., Livshits Yu.Ya. Osnovnye rezul'taty utochneniya prognoznykh resursov nefti i gaza na shel'fe Barentseva i Karskogo morey [The main results of clarifying oil and gas expected resources in the Barents and Kara Seas]. Kompleksnoe osvoenie neftegazovykh resursov kontinental'nogo shel'fa SSSR. Murmansk, 1989, p. 20-21.
Verba, M.L., L.A. Daragan-Sushchova, A.D. Pavlenkin. Riftogenic Structures of the western Arctic shelf investigated by refraction surveys. International Geology Review, 1992, 34, no 8, p. 753-764.
Verba, M.L., N.K.Evdokimova. Magmatic intrusions influence on oil and gas generation of Barents Sea Mesozoic Rocks. Abstr. 57-th Conf. EAGE, Glasgow, 29 May - 2 June 1995, p. 539.
Armishev A.M., A.V. Borisov, Bro E.G., Verba M.L., Ostistyy B.K., Sorokov D.S., Ustinov N.V., Shimaraev V.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie Zapadno-Arkticheskoy kontinental'noy okrainy po dannym geofizicheskikh nablyudeniy i glubokogo bureniya [Geological structure of the Western Arctic continental margin on the basis of geophysical observations and deep drilling]. Geologiya morey i okeanov (doklady sovetskikh geologov na MGK). Leningrad, 1988, p. 195-203.
Bergh S.G., Braathen A., Andresen A. Interaction of Basement-Involved and Thin-Skinned Tectonism in the Tertiary Fold-Thrust Belt of Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. AAPG Bulletin, vol. 81, 1997, no. 4 (April), p. 637-661.
Bergsager E. Hydrocarbon resources and perspectives in future exploration in Norwegian and Barents Seas. GECO, 1987, p. 64-93.
Bergsager E. Hydrocarbon resources and perspectives in future exploration in Norwegian and Barents Seas. VTT Symp. (Polartech.-86, Helsinki 27-30 oct. 1986, vol.3), Espoo, 1986, p. 64-93.
Fizicheskie svoystva gornykh porod Barentsevomorskogo regiona [Physical properties of rocks of Barents Sea region]. Editor I.S. Gramberg. Apatity: KolFAN SSSR, 1987, 81 p.
Gjelsvik T. A new occurrence of Devonian rocks in Spitsbergen. Arb. Norsk polarinst., 1972. Oslo, 1974, p. 23-28.
Harland W.B. Geology of Svalbard. - Geol. Soc. mem. 17, Cambridge, 1998, 529 p.
Hjelle A. Geology of Svalbard. –Polarhеndbok, Oslo. 1993, no. 7, 154 p.
Iansen E. Early Norwegian-based exploration for petroleum on Spitsbergen Islands, from 1959 up today. In: Kompleksnye issledovaniya prirody Shpitsbergena. Apatity: KNC RAS, 2002, p. 105-111.
Krasil’scikov A.A (ed.). Soviet geological research in Svalbard 1962 – 1992. Extended abstracts of unpublished reports. Norsk Polarinst., Meddelelser NR 139, Oslo, 1996, 103 p.
Kurynin R.G. Plotnost' i magnitnaya vospriimchivost' gornykh porod arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen [Density and magnetic susceptibility of rocks of Svalbard]. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1965, p. 276-284.
Manby G.M. Tertiary folding and trusting in NW Svalbard // Tertiary Tectonics of Svalbard. Norsk Polarinstitutt. # 46, Oslo, 1988, p. 17-20.
McCann A.J., Dallmann W.K. Reactivation History of the long-lived Billefjorden Fault Zone in north central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Geol.Mag. 1996, 133 (1). p. 63-84.
Nagy, J. Oil exploration in Spitsbergen, 1967. Polar Record 14, 1968, p. 197.
Pchelina T.M. Neftenosnost' devonskikh otlozheniy rayona Mimerdalen (arkhipelag Shpitsbergen) [Petroleum potential of the Devonian deposits of Mimerdalen area (Svalbard)]. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' Arkticheskikh morey Rossii. Saint Petersburg: VNIIOkeangeologiya, 1994, p. 39-47.
Pentilla, W.C., Church, R.E. Hydrocarbon potential of the Hornsund-Storfjordarea, South Spitsbergen. Rep. NPN., 1984. st. prp. no. 16, 2 p.
Petrofizika: Spravochnik. V trekh knigakh. Kniga vtoraya: Tekhnika i metodika issledovaniy [Petrophysics: A Handbook. In three books. Book Two: Technique and methods of research]. Editor A.A. Molchanova, N.B. Dortman. M: Nedra, 1992, 256 p.
Shkola I.V., Pchelina T.M., Mazur V.B., Al'ter S.M. Novye dannye o sostave i stroenii osadochnogo chekhla po materialam bureniya Grumantskoy parametricheskoy skvazhiny [New data on the composition and structure of the sedimentary cover based on drilling of Gruman parametric well]. Geologiya osadochnogo chekhla arkhipelaga Sval'bard. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1980, p. 13-24.
Shvarts V.L. Litologo-stratigraficheskoe raschlenenie razreza skvazhiny Raddedalen-1 (ostrov Edzh arkh. Shpitsbergen) [Lithologic and stratigraphic division of the well section Raddedalen-1 (Island Edge arh. Shpitsbergen)]. Geologicheskoe stroenie Barentsevo-Karskogo shel'fa. Leningrad: PGO Sevmorgeologiya, 1985, p. 44-59.
Shvemberger Yu.M. Perspektivy osvoeniya resursov Arkticheskoy nefti [Development prospects of the Arctic oil]. Sbornik trudov NII Sistemnykh issledovaniy. Moscow, 1986, no. 5, p. 45-51.
Skilbrei, J.R. Interpretation of Geophysical Data from the Northwestern Barents Sea and Spitsbergen.- Geol. Surv. of Norway and Univ. of Trondheim, Norw. Inst. of Techn., 1993.
Spitsbergen area exploration programs pick up. Oil and Gas Journal, 1985, 83, no. 5, p. 40-41.
Tertiary Tectonics of Svalbard. Extended abstracts from Symposium. Edited by W.K. Dallmann, Y. Ohta, A. Andersen. Oslo, 26-27 April 1988.
Townsend Ch., Mann A. The Tertiary orogenic belt of West Spitsbergen. AComment. Norsk. Gejl. Tidsskr., vol. 69, 1989. p. 135-136.
Verba M., Ivanov G. Est' li neft' i gaz na Shpitsbergene [Is there oil and gas in Svalbard]. Neft' Rossii, 2006, no. 11, p. 56-59.
Verba M.L. Geologicheskie i geokhimicheskie predposylki perspektiv neftenosnosti srednepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Andre-Diksonskogo avlakogena (Shpitsbergen) [Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at:
Verba M.L. Pritok nefti iz paleogenovykh otlozheniy Shpitsbergena [The oil flow from the Paleogene deposits of Spitsbergen]. Geologicheskoe stroenie perspektivnykh akvatoriy Mirovogo okeana. Leningrad: Sevmorgeo, 1989, p. 55-65.
Verba M.L. Proyavleniya prirodnykh uglevodorodov v osadochnom chekhle Shchpitsbergena [Natural hydrocarbon manifestations in the sedimentary cover of Svalbard]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2007, vol. 2, available at:
Verba M.L. Srednepaleozoyskie riftogennye struktury Barentsevskoy plity [Middle Paleozoic rift structures of Barents plate]. In: Poiski, razvedka i dobycha nefti i gaza v Timano-Pechorskom basseyne i Barentsevom more. Papers of II international conference, VNIGRI, 24-28 June 1996. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1996, p. 89-96.
Verba M.L., Verba Yu.L. Metamorfity Billef'ordskoy zony razlomov na Shpitsbergene – gorst dokembriyskikh porod, ili paleozoyskaya intruziya? [Metamorphites of Billeford fault zones on Svalbard - horst of the Precambrian rocks or Paleozoic intrusions?]. Geologo-geofizicheskie kharakteristiki litosfery Arkticheskogo regiona, 2002, vol. 4, p. 178-198.
Verba M.L., Zakharov E.V., Margulis L.S., Livshits Yu.Ya. Osnovnye rezul'taty utochneniya prognoznykh resursov nefti i gaza na shel'fe Barentseva i Karskogo morey [The main results of clarifying oil and gas expected resources in the Barents and Kara Seas]. Kompleksnoe osvoenie neftegazovykh resursov kontinental'nogo shel'fa SSSR. Murmansk, 1989, p. 20-21.
Verba, M.L., L.A. Daragan-Sushchova, A.D. Pavlenkin. Riftogenic Structures of the western Arctic shelf investigated by refraction surveys. International Geology Review, 1992, 34, no 8, p. 753-764.
Verba, M.L., N.K.Evdokimova. Magmatic intrusions influence on oil and gas generation of Barents Sea Mesozoic Rocks. Abstr. 57-th Conf. EAGE, Glasgow, 29 May - 2 June 1995, p. 539.