Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 33_2012 submitted on 05/14/2012 displayed on website on 06/15/2012
21 p.
pdf  Power law and self-similarity principle for investigation of fractured reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation
Some aspects of self-similarity, scaling, self-organization and fractal theory for investigation of fractured oil and gas reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation of filtration processes are analyzed. Special attention is paid to relationships between these conceptions and power distribution law, which has a long history of implementation for describing complex systems including natural self-similar fractal structures. It is shown, that fractures are as widespread and important in terrigenous rocks as in carbonate rocks of complex type. This should be taken into account during field development.
Key words: self-similarity, scaling, self-organization, fractal theory, fractured reservoirs, oil, gas, initial oil flow rate, cumulative production.
article citation Petukhov A.V., Shelepov I.V., Petukhov A.A., Kuklin A.I. Stepennoy zakon i printsip samopodobiya pri izuchenii treshchinovatykh neftegazonosnykh kollektorov i gidrodinamicheskom modelirovanii protsessa razrabotki [Power law and self-similarity principle for investigation of fractured reservoirs and hydrodynamical simulation ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at:

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