Politykina M.A.
Graduated from Saratov State University (1960), specialization "geological surveying and prospecting for mineral deposits".
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Head Department of Geology and Geophysics of VolgoUralNIPIgaz.
Area of scientific interest: lithology, reservoirs and seals, geological modeling.
Author of 98 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 1_2021 | submitted on 02/01/2021 displayed on website on 02/16/2021 |
19 p. | Politykina M.A., Tyurin A.M., Makarov S.E., Petrishchev V.P., Pankrat'ev P.V., Bagmanova S.V., Kolomoets A.V. |
Oil and gas potential prospects of Orenburg segment of Magnitogorsk trough | |
The Orenburg segment of the Magnitogorsk trough is a potential petroleum area. The results of drilling and seismic survey are considered. The author's model of the carbonate basin that existed in the region during the Lower-Middle Carboniferous time is presented. Terrigenous and carbonate-terrigenous rocs have been accumulated in its coastal-marine zones. Further on the shelf there was a zone of predominantly carbonate sedimentation, where the thickness of limestones reached 1000-1300 m. Behind it, a side scarp of the carbonate massif is predicted. In a relatively deep-water uncompensated depression, thin section analogs of shelf limestones - black shales, were deposited. Isolated carbonate edifices also formed in the uncompensated depression too. The data of CDP seismic exploration for mapping oil and gas promising objects in the Lower-Middle Carboniferous strata have been evaluated. The priority tasks of further study of the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the region are outlined. Keywords: oil and gas prospecting, Lower-Middle Carboniferous strata, model of the carbonate basin, oil and gas potential, Magnitogorsk trough, South Urals. |
article citation | Politykina M.A., Tyurin A.M., Makarov S.E., Petrishchev V.P., Pankrat'ev P.V., Bagmanova S.V., Kolomoets A.V. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti orenburgskogo segmenta Magnitogorskogo progiba [Oil and gas potential prospects of Orenburg segment of Magnitogorsk trough]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/1_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/1_2021 |
Abdrakhmanov R.F., Popov V.G. Glubinnye gazovo-zhidkie flyuidy Urala: geokhimiya, formirovanie, genezis [Deep gas-liquid fluids of the Urals: geochemistry, formation, genesis]. Geologicheskiy sbornik, 2013, no. 10, pp. 200-210.
Bilalov R.S., Kamaletdinov K.A., Tagirov, Shikhmuratov V.K. K otsenke perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na Yuzhnom Urale [Assessment of the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the South Urals]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1968, no. 7, pp. 35-39.
Boyko Ya.I., Korobkov V.F. Kriterii formirovaniya glubinnoy nefti v Sakmarskoy podnadvigovoy zone kazakhskogo Urala [Criteria for the formation of deep oil in the Sakmara underthrust zone of the Kazakh Urals]. Ural'skiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 2018, no.4 (124), pp. 19-30.
Fauna i biostratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozheniy devona i karbona Berchogura (Mugodzhary) [Fauna and biostratigraphy of boundary Devonian-Carboniferous of Berchogur (Mugodzhary)]. Editor V.A. Maslov. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, 121 p.
Gorozhanina E.N. Tektono-sedimentatsionnaya model' evolyutsii osadkonakopleniya v Tsentral'no-Magnitogorskoy zone na Yuzhnom Urale [Tectonic-sedimentation model of the evolution of sedimentation in the Central Magnitogorsk zone in the South Urals]. Geologicheskiy sbornik, 2015, no.12, pp. 79-92.
Gorozhanina E.N. Tipy karbonatnykh platform Yuzhnogo Urala i Priural'ya, ikh svyaz' s neftegazonosnost'yu [Types of carbonate platforms in the South Urals and the Urals, their relationship with oil and gas potential]. Geologiya, poleznye iskopaemye i problemy geoekologii Bashkortostana, Urala i sopredel'nykh territoriy, 2010, no. 8, pp. 188-191.
Kazantseva T.T. Geologicheskoe stroenie Kizil'skoy zony Magnitogorskoy megasinformy v svete novykh dannykh [Geological structure of the Kizil zone of the Magnitogorsk megasynform in the light of new data]. Geologiya, geografiya i global'naya energiya, 2009, no. 3, pp. 27-32.
Kolomoets A.V., Pankrat'ev P.V. Osobennosti chernoslantsevoy formatsii vostochnogo Orenburzh'ya [Features of the black shale formation of the eastern Orenburg region]. Byulleten' Orenburgskogo nauchnogo tsentra UrO RAN, 2019, no. 2, p. 5.
Ol'khova A.I., Pankrat'ev P.V., Khan I.S. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii orenburgskoy oblasti [On the prospects of oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2005, no.10, vol. 2, pp. 4-9.
Ol'khova A.I., Pankrat'ev P.V., Persiyantsev M.N., Khan I.S. Proyavlenie gaza i bitumov v pokrovno-nadvigovykh strukturakh zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Manifestation of gas and bitumen in the thrust-nappe structures of the western slope of the Southern Urals]. Geologiya, razrabotka i obustroystvo neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy Orenburgskoy oblasti, 2007, issue 4, pp. 133-138.
Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V., Panteleev V.S. Chernye slantsy Kumakskogo rudnogo rayona Orenburgskoy oblasti [Black shales of the Kumak ore district of the Orenburg region]. Nedra Povolzh'ya i Prikaspiya, 2018, issue 96, pp. 55-60.
Politykina M.A., Drozdov V.V., Tyurin A.M. Pervoocherednye zadachi otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti orenburgskoy chasti skladchatogo Urala [Priority tasks of assessing the prospects for oil and gas potential of the Orenburg part of the folded Urals]. Zashchita okruzhayushchey sredy v neftegazovom komplekse, 2010, no. 12, pp. 62-65.
Politykina M.A., Drozdov V.V., Tyurin A.M., Makarov S.E. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii Orenburgskoy oblasti [On the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2009, no.8, pp.12-16.
Politykina M.A., Tyurin A.M., Bagmanova S.V., Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii Orenburgskoy oblasti [On the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Novye napravleniya rabot na neft' i gaz, innovatsionnye tekhnologii razrabotki ikh mestorozhdeniy, perspektivy dobychi netraditsionnogo uglevodorodnogo syr'ya, 2019, pp. 76-88.
Popov V.G., Abdrakhmanov R.F. Gidrogeologicheskie predposylki neftenosnosti Kizil'skoy zony Yuzhnogo Urala [Hydrogeological prerequisites for oil-bearing capacity of the Kizil zone of the Southern Urals]. Vestnik Instituta geologii Komi nauchnogo tsentra Ural'skogo otdeleniya RAN, 2017, no.1 (265), pp. 3-7.
Puchkov V.N., Kazantseva T.T. O krupnoy pogrebennoy antiklinali v Kizil'skoy zone Yuzhnogo Urala [About a large buried anticline in the Kizil zone of the Southern Urals]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 2009, vol. 429, no.3, pp. 369-373.
Rezervuarnaya sedimentologiya karbonatnykh otlozheniy [Reservoir sedimentology of carbonate accumulations]. V.A. Zhemchugova. Moscow: EAGE Geomodel', 2014, 232 p.
Rozman X.S. Stratigrafiya i brakhiopody famenskogo yarusa Mugodzhar i smezhnykh rayonov [Stratigraphy and brachiopods of the Famennian stage of the Mugodzhars and adjacent regions]. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Trudy geologicheskogo instituta, 1962, issue 50, 196 p.
Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya devonskikh otlozheniy Magnitogorskoy megazony Yuzhnogo Urala [Stratigraphy and correlation of Devonian section of the Magnitogorsk megazone of the South Urals] V.A. Maslov, O.V. Artyushkova. Ufa: DizaynPoligrafServis, 2010, 288 p.
Tagirov I.A. Novye dannye o geologicheskom stroenii Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya [New data on the geological structure of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium]. Tektonika i neftenosnost' Urala i Priural'ya, 1978, pp. 7-11.
Tyurin A.M., Politykina M.A., Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V. Basseyn karbonatnoy sedimentatsii v Magnitogorskom progibe Yuzhnogo Urala i perspektivy ego neftegazonosnosti [Basin of carbonate sedimentation in the Magnitogorsk trough of the South Urals and the prospects for its oil and gas potential]. Nedra Povolzh'ya i Prikaspiya, 2019, no. 98, pp. 25-36.
Zufarova N.A., Lutfullin N.N. Magnitogorskiy megasinklinoriy kak vozmozhno neftegazonosnyy rayon [Magnitogorsk megasynclinorium as a possible petroleum bearing region]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1974, no. 10.
Bilalov R.S., Kamaletdinov K.A., Tagirov, Shikhmuratov V.K. K otsenke perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na Yuzhnom Urale [Assessment of the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the South Urals]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1968, no. 7, pp. 35-39.
Boyko Ya.I., Korobkov V.F. Kriterii formirovaniya glubinnoy nefti v Sakmarskoy podnadvigovoy zone kazakhskogo Urala [Criteria for the formation of deep oil in the Sakmara underthrust zone of the Kazakh Urals]. Ural'skiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 2018, no.4 (124), pp. 19-30.
Fauna i biostratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozheniy devona i karbona Berchogura (Mugodzhary) [Fauna and biostratigraphy of boundary Devonian-Carboniferous of Berchogur (Mugodzhary)]. Editor V.A. Maslov. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, 121 p.
Gorozhanina E.N. Tektono-sedimentatsionnaya model' evolyutsii osadkonakopleniya v Tsentral'no-Magnitogorskoy zone na Yuzhnom Urale [Tectonic-sedimentation model of the evolution of sedimentation in the Central Magnitogorsk zone in the South Urals]. Geologicheskiy sbornik, 2015, no.12, pp. 79-92.
Gorozhanina E.N. Tipy karbonatnykh platform Yuzhnogo Urala i Priural'ya, ikh svyaz' s neftegazonosnost'yu [Types of carbonate platforms in the South Urals and the Urals, their relationship with oil and gas potential]. Geologiya, poleznye iskopaemye i problemy geoekologii Bashkortostana, Urala i sopredel'nykh territoriy, 2010, no. 8, pp. 188-191.
Kazantseva T.T. Geologicheskoe stroenie Kizil'skoy zony Magnitogorskoy megasinformy v svete novykh dannykh [Geological structure of the Kizil zone of the Magnitogorsk megasynform in the light of new data]. Geologiya, geografiya i global'naya energiya, 2009, no. 3, pp. 27-32.
Kolomoets A.V., Pankrat'ev P.V. Osobennosti chernoslantsevoy formatsii vostochnogo Orenburzh'ya [Features of the black shale formation of the eastern Orenburg region]. Byulleten' Orenburgskogo nauchnogo tsentra UrO RAN, 2019, no. 2, p. 5.
Ol'khova A.I., Pankrat'ev P.V., Khan I.S. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii orenburgskoy oblasti [On the prospects of oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2005, no.10, vol. 2, pp. 4-9.
Ol'khova A.I., Pankrat'ev P.V., Persiyantsev M.N., Khan I.S. Proyavlenie gaza i bitumov v pokrovno-nadvigovykh strukturakh zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Manifestation of gas and bitumen in the thrust-nappe structures of the western slope of the Southern Urals]. Geologiya, razrabotka i obustroystvo neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy Orenburgskoy oblasti, 2007, issue 4, pp. 133-138.
Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V., Panteleev V.S. Chernye slantsy Kumakskogo rudnogo rayona Orenburgskoy oblasti [Black shales of the Kumak ore district of the Orenburg region]. Nedra Povolzh'ya i Prikaspiya, 2018, issue 96, pp. 55-60.
Politykina M.A., Drozdov V.V., Tyurin A.M. Pervoocherednye zadachi otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti orenburgskoy chasti skladchatogo Urala [Priority tasks of assessing the prospects for oil and gas potential of the Orenburg part of the folded Urals]. Zashchita okruzhayushchey sredy v neftegazovom komplekse, 2010, no. 12, pp. 62-65.
Politykina M.A., Drozdov V.V., Tyurin A.M., Makarov S.E. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii Orenburgskoy oblasti [On the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2009, no.8, pp.12-16.
Politykina M.A., Tyurin A.M., Bagmanova S.V., Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya na territorii Orenburgskoy oblasti [On the oil and gas potential of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Orenburg Region]. Novye napravleniya rabot na neft' i gaz, innovatsionnye tekhnologii razrabotki ikh mestorozhdeniy, perspektivy dobychi netraditsionnogo uglevodorodnogo syr'ya, 2019, pp. 76-88.
Popov V.G., Abdrakhmanov R.F. Gidrogeologicheskie predposylki neftenosnosti Kizil'skoy zony Yuzhnogo Urala [Hydrogeological prerequisites for oil-bearing capacity of the Kizil zone of the Southern Urals]. Vestnik Instituta geologii Komi nauchnogo tsentra Ural'skogo otdeleniya RAN, 2017, no.1 (265), pp. 3-7.
Puchkov V.N., Kazantseva T.T. O krupnoy pogrebennoy antiklinali v Kizil'skoy zone Yuzhnogo Urala [About a large buried anticline in the Kizil zone of the Southern Urals]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 2009, vol. 429, no.3, pp. 369-373.
Rezervuarnaya sedimentologiya karbonatnykh otlozheniy [Reservoir sedimentology of carbonate accumulations]. V.A. Zhemchugova. Moscow: EAGE Geomodel', 2014, 232 p.
Rozman X.S. Stratigrafiya i brakhiopody famenskogo yarusa Mugodzhar i smezhnykh rayonov [Stratigraphy and brachiopods of the Famennian stage of the Mugodzhars and adjacent regions]. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Trudy geologicheskogo instituta, 1962, issue 50, 196 p.
Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya devonskikh otlozheniy Magnitogorskoy megazony Yuzhnogo Urala [Stratigraphy and correlation of Devonian section of the Magnitogorsk megazone of the South Urals] V.A. Maslov, O.V. Artyushkova. Ufa: DizaynPoligrafServis, 2010, 288 p.
Tagirov I.A. Novye dannye o geologicheskom stroenii Magnitogorskogo sinklinoriya [New data on the geological structure of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium]. Tektonika i neftenosnost' Urala i Priural'ya, 1978, pp. 7-11.
Tyurin A.M., Politykina M.A., Pankrat'ev P.V., Kolomoets A.V. Basseyn karbonatnoy sedimentatsii v Magnitogorskom progibe Yuzhnogo Urala i perspektivy ego neftegazonosnosti [Basin of carbonate sedimentation in the Magnitogorsk trough of the South Urals and the prospects for its oil and gas potential]. Nedra Povolzh'ya i Prikaspiya, 2019, no. 98, pp. 25-36.
Zufarova N.A., Lutfullin N.N. Magnitogorskiy megasinklinoriy kak vozmozhno neftegazonosnyy rayon [Magnitogorsk megasynclinorium as a possible petroleum bearing region]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1974, no. 10.