Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Article # 1_2023 submitted on 11/22/2022 displayed on website on 01/09/2023
12 p.
pdf On the genesis of the law of distribution of hydrocarbon fields by the number of accumulations in them
An idealized scheme for the occurrence of the hydrocarbon fields distribution by the number of accumulations in them is considered. As a mathematical model of the random distribution of the initial set of accumulations over the territory of the basin, a stationary Poisson point field is taken. It is shown that the model distribution thus obtained is approximated with a high degree of reliability by a power law, which coincides with the approximation of this distribution for real petroleum provinces. It is argued that the power-law nature of the model distribution of fields by the number of accumulations in them follows from the very definition of a fields as a group of accumulations that have full or partial overlap of contours in projection onto the earth's surface. Violation of the power dependence of the distribution occurs at too low or too high values of the intensity of the Poisson field of accumulations.

Keywords: petroleum province, accumulation, field, truncated Pareto distribution, algorithm for the formation of a simulation set of fields from a set of accumulations.
article citation Livshits V.R. O genezise zakona raspredeleniya mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov po kolichestvu zalezhey v nikh [On the genesis of the law of distribution of hydrocarbon fields by the number of accumulations in them]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: EDN: NVLSKE
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