Shibina T.D.

Graduated from Leningrad State University, specialization «geochemistry» (1974).
Worked with VNIGRI as Senior petrography specialist in the laboratory of petrographic (1977), Researcher (1985) in the department of lithological and tectonic methods for oil and gas potential forecast, is currently Head of the laboratory of petrographic study of rocks and reservoir studies.
Area of scientific interest: lithologic-petrographic, petrophysical study of the basal sediments of the Riphean-Vendian complex of sedimentary cover of ancient platforms of central part of the Russian and East-Siberian platforms, Mezenskaya syncline; the Vendian and Devonian deposits of the southern Orenburg region, the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian sediments of the Caspian basin; sediments of the Jurassic and Cretaceous complex of south of the Tyumen region of Western Siberia.
Author and coauthor of 20 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 7_2017 submitted on 11/11/2016 displayed on website on 03/09/2017
25 p.
pdf  Tyra Formation (Nepa Arch) - lithological and genetic aspects
The study of formation conditions and facial variation of Tyra Formation is carried out on the basis of core, thin sections study and geophysical data analysis of ten wells. The lithological and genetic types of rocks are presented. A description of the stromatolite body structure of Erbogachen level is described. The sedimentational and genetical model of Tyra Formation and lithofacies zones distribution, including stromatolite dolomites of Erbogachen level are provided.

Keywords: Tyra Formation, Erbogachen level, lithological and genetical types of rocks, stromatolites, sedimentation-genetic model, Nepa Arch.
article citation Burova I.A., Shibina T.D., Korvet N.A. Litologo-geneticheskiy aspekt formirovaniya otlozheniy tirskoy svity na territorii Nepskogo svoda [Tyra Formation (Nepa Arch) - lithological and genetic aspects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at:
   Burova I.A. Kompleksnyy metod poiska karbonatnykh kollektorov Vostochnoy Sibiri [A comprehensive method for carbonate reservoirs prospecting in Eastern Siberia]. Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Vostoka Rossii: Proceedings of scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg, 17-21 June 2013), St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, 492 p.
   Ivlev N.F., Pustyl'nikov A.M. Magnezit v vendsko-nizhnekembriyskikh solenosnykh otlozheniyakh yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Magnesite in Vendian-Lower Cambrian salt-bearing sedimentary rocks of the south of the Siberian platform]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 1982, no. 1, p. 136-141.
   Ivlev N.F., Pustyl'nikov A.M., Chekanov V.I. O regional'nom rasprostranenii magnezitov v otlozheniyakh solenosnoy formatsii yuga Sibirskoy platformy [On the regional distribution of magnesite in deposits of salt bearing formation in the south of the Siberian platform]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1985, no. 11, p. 16-24.
   Kuznetsov V.G. Evolyutsiya karbonatonakopleniya v istorii Zemli [The evolution of the carbonate accumulation in the Earth's history]. Moscow: GEOS, 2003, 262 p.
   Kuznetsov V.G. Fatsii i fatsial'nyy analiz v neftegazovoy geologii [Facies and facial analysis in petroleum geology]. Textbook for high schools. Moscow: Gubkin RSU of oil and gas, 2012, 244 p.
   Mitchel R.M. ml., Veyl P.R., Sangri Dzh.B. Stratigraficheskaya interpretatsiya seysmorazrezov MOV po konfiguratsii otrazheniy [Stratigraphic interpretation of seismic sections by reflection configuration], p. 215-242. Seysmicheskaya stratigrafiya., Vol. 1, per. s angl., ed. Ch. Peyton, Moscow: Mir, 1982, 375 p.
   Pustyl'nikova A.M., Chernova L.S. Magnezitovyy gorizont v otlozheniyakh venda-nizhnego kembriya Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Magnesite level in the sediments of Vendian-Lower Cambrian Nepa Bota Anteclise]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1991, no. 6, p. 17-20.
   Resheniya chetvertogo Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po utochneniyu i dopolneniyu stratigraficheskikh skhem venda i kembriya vnutrennikh rayonov Sibirskoy platform [Decisions of the fourth Interagency Regional Stratigraphic meeting for clarification and supplement of stratigraphic schemes of the Vendian and Cambrian inland areas of the Siberian Platform]. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS, 1989, 64 p.
   Shishlov S.B. Strukturno-geneticheskiy analiz osadochnykh formatsiy [Structural and genetical analysis of sedimentary formations]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Mining University, 2010, 276 p.

Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 35_2016 submitted on 09/02/2016 displayed on website on 09/29/2016
28 p.
pdf  Lithologic and petrographic features of low permeable carbonate strata of ancient platforms related to their petroleum potential
Lithological research carried out in the carbonate sediments of the south of Siberian Platform and Timan-Pechora Province shows regular patterns in the formation of zones of differently-permeable low porous productive reservoirs development, which are associated with oil and gas fields. The structure of deposits in tectonically affected more intense parts of the structures is analyzed. At this place increased fracturing of rocks was observed and hydrocarbon inflows was received.

Keywords: low porous reservoirs, low permeability carbonate strata, fracturing, inflows of hydrocarbons, oil and gas field, south of Siberian Platform, Timan-Pechora Province.
article citation Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G., Pestova A.N., Klimova E.V., Khazikova L.A., Yakovleva A.A. Litologo-petrograficheskie osobennosti nizkopronitsaemykh karbonatnykh tolshch drevnikh platform v svyazi s ikh neftegazonosnost'yu [Lithologic and petrographic features of low permeable carbonate strata of ancient platforms related to their petroleum potential]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at:
   Belonin M.D., Belonovskaya L.G., Bulach M.Kh., Gmid L.P., Shimanskiy V.V. Karbonatnye porody-kollektory fanerozoya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Rossii i ee sopredel'nykh territoriy [Carbonate rocks-collectors Phanerozoic Russian oil and gas basin and its adjacent territories]. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2005, 260 p.
   Belonovskaya L.G., Dorofeeva T.V. Zony diz"yunktivnykh narusheniy kak vozmozhnye kollektory nefti i gaza [The zones of disjunctive violations as potential reservoirs of oil and gas]. Netraditsionnye istochniki UV: Collection of scientific papers. Trudy VNIGRI. Leningrad, 1982, p. 59-71.
   Belonovskaya L.G., Shibina T.D., Gmid L.P., Oknova N.S., Ivanovskaya A.V., Volchenkova T.B., Kokhanova A.N. Fil'tratsionno-emkostnoe prostranstvo porod-kollektorov osnovnykh neftegazonosnykh provintsiy Rossii [Reservoir space of reservoir rocks of Russia's major hydrocarbon provinces]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, 243 p.
   Gmid L.P., Levi S.Sh. Atlas karbonatnykh porod-kollektorov [Atlas of carbonate reservoir rocks]. – L.: Nedra, 1972. – 80 s.
   Gosudarstvennyy balans zapasov poleznykh iskopaemykh RF. Neft'. Privolzhskiy Federal'nyy okrug [State balance of mineral resources of the Russian Federation. Oil. Volga Federal District]. Sostav. I.I. Sharapova, red. T.I. Zatsepina. - Moscow, 2015. - Issue 10. – Vol. 81 – 704 p.
   Kharakhinov V.V., Shlenkin S.I. Neftegazonosnost' dokembriyskikh tolshch Vostochnoy Sibiri na primere Kuyubinsko-Yurubcheno-Tokhomskogo areala neftegazonakopleniya [Oil and gas potential of Precambrian strata in Eastern Siberia on the example pf Kuyubinsko-Yurubcheno- Tokhomskoye range of oil and gas]. Moscow: Nauchnyy mir, 2011, 420 p.
   Kirkinskaya V.N., Smekhov E.M. Karbonatnye porody – kollektory nefti i gaza [Carbonate rocks - reservoirs of oil and gas]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1981, 254 p.
   Martynov A.V. Istinnye i lozhnye flyuidoupory v nizhnepaleozoyskom prirodnom rezervuare Timano-Pechorskogo basseyna [True and false confining beds in the Lower Paleozoic natural reservoir of the Timan-Pechora Basin]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti: Collection of VNIGRI papers. St. Petersburg, 2008, p. 446-450.
   Mel'nikov N.V. Vend-kembriyskiy solenosnyy basseyn Sibirskoy platformy (stratigrafiya, istoriya razvitiya) [Vend-Cambrian saliferous basin of the Siberian Platform (stratigraphy, history of development)]. Novosibirsk: Izdatel'stvo SO RAN, 2009, 148 p.
   Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izucheniyu i prognozu kollektorov nefti i gaza slozhnogo tipa [Guidelines for the Study and forecast of oil and gas reservoirs complex type]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, 100 p.
   Sitnikov V.S., Kushmar I.A., Bazhenova T.K., Burova I.A., Semenov V.P., Shibina T.D., Shostak K.V., Yashenkova L.K. Geologiya i neftegazovyy potentsial yugo-zapada Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya) [Geology and petroleum potential south-west of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2014, 434 p.
   Smekhov E.M. Teoreticheskie i metodicheskie osnovy poiskov treshchinnykh kollektorov nefti i gaza [Theoretical and methodological foundations searches fractured reservoirs of oil and gas]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1974, 200 p.
   Volchenkova T.B. Nizkokonditsionnye kollektory – novyy ob"ekt neftegeologicheskoy otsenki [Low quality reservoirs - new object of oil geological evaluation]. Oborudovanie i tekhnologii dlya neftegazovogo kompleksa. VNIIOENG, 2010, no. 4, p. 8-17.
   Zhemchugova V.A. Karbonatnye kompleksy paleozoya Pechorskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna (stroenie, usloviya formirovaniya, prognoz prirodnykh rezervuarov) [Paleozoic carbonate complex Pechora oil basin (structure, conditions of formation, forecast natural reservoirs)]. Synopsis of dissertation for the degree of PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Scienses. Komi scientific center of Uralsk branch of Russian Academy of Science. Syktyvkar, 2000, 43 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 44_2015 submitted on 12/08/2014 displayed on website on 12/07/2015
30 p.
pdf Lithological features and filtration potential capacity of subsalt Vendian complex rocks of Eastern Siberia
On the basis of huge amount of factual data the lithologic and petrophysical characteristics of productive deposits of the Vendian complex of south of the Siberian platform are analyzed. The schematic maps of distribution of open porosity and permeability of carbonate and clastic rocks are constructed and analyzed for individual layers and areas of improved reservoirs are distinguished. The proposed maps show differences between petrophysical features of rocks that form the hydrocarbon bearing strata, as well as their variation within the major structures of the studied region. The promising areas for hydrocarbon deposits prospecting are highlighted taking into account the reservoir properties data for the studied area.

Keywords: Vendian, clastic sediments, carbonate sediments, porosity, permeability, fracture, reservoir, productive deposits, Baykit anteclise, Katanga saddle, Nepa-Botuoba anteclise, Siberian platform.
article citation Belonovskaya L.G., Shibina T.D., Oknova N.S., Kokhanova A.N., Verzilin N.N. Litologicheskie osobennosti i emkostno-fil'tratsionnyy potentsial porod podsolevogo vendskogo kompleksa Vostochnoy Cibiri [Lithological features and filtration potential capacity of subsalt Vendian complex rocks of Eastern Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at:
   Belonovskaya L.G., Gmid L.P. Rol' treshchinno-porovykh karbonatnykh kollektorov v otsenke resursnogo potentsiala Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [The role of the fractured-porous carbonate reservoirs in the evaluation of the resource potential of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti. Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 492-500.
   Gubina E.A., Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G. Karbonatnye kollektory Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Carbonate reservoirs of Nepa-Botuoba anteclise]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti: Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 406-412.
   Kokhanova A.N., Shibina T.D., Dmitrieva T.V., Oknova N.S. Geologiya rezervuara na osnove litologicheskikh issledovaniy obraztsov kerna skvazhiny ? 1 Kutlinskaya [Geology of the reservoir on the basis of lithological studies of core samples from well number 1 Kutlinskaya]. Aktual'nye problemy neftegazovoy geologii XXI veka: Proceedings of III International Conference of young scientists and specialists. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, p. 7-15.
   Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izucheniyu i prognozu kollektorov nefti i gaza slozhnogo tipa [Guidelines for the study and forecast of oil and gas reservoirs of complex type]. Editors M.Kh. Bulach, L.G. Belonovskaya. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, 103 p.
   Oknova N.S., Kokhanova A.N. Litologiya i fil'tratsionnye svoystva vendskikh otlozheniy yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Lithology and filtration properties of Vendian deposits of southern Siberian platform]. Evolyutsiya osadochnykh protsessov v istorii Zemli: Proceedings of 8 All-Russian lithological meeting (Moscow, 27-30 October 2915). Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina, 2015, p. 250-253.
   Shemin G.G. Geologiya i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti venda i nizhnego kembriya tsentral'nykh rayonov Sibirskoy platformy (Nepsko-Botuobinskaya, Baykitskayaanteklizy i Katangskaya sedlovina) [Geology and petroleum potential of the Vendian and Lower Cambrian central regions of the Siberian Platform (Nepa-Botuoba, Baykitskaya anteclise and Katanga saddle)]. Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2007, 460 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 13_2012 submitted on 02/14/2012 displayed on website on 02/24/2012
28 p.
pdf  Pre-Patom trough - lithology of the Upper Riphean – Lower and Middle Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate complex
The petrographic and lithogenetic peculiarities of the Riphean and Lower-Middle Cambrian deposits of the Pre-Patom trough are analyzed. The objects of study in the Pre-Patom trough are deposits in outcrops of the Nokhtuysk (Lena River) and Bolshe-Patom (Bolshoy Patom River).
Particular attention is paid to the diagenetic transformation and evaluation of reservoir properties of the studied rocks. Diagenesis did not lead to a significant increase of effective porosity. The correlation between composition and structure of Nokhtuysk and Bolshe-Patom sequences is set. The dynamics of changes in lithological parameters in the Vendian-Cambrian period are reflected in the sequence of sedimentary carbonate strata.
Key words: petrographic composition, lithogenetic type, Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, sedimentation conditions, post-sedimentation transformation, reservoir, Pre-Patom trough.
article citation Shibina T.D., Klyarovskaya A.V., Kokhanova A.N. Litologiya verkhnerifeysko-nizhnesrednekembriyskogo terrigenno-karbonatnogo kompleksa Predpatomskogo progiba [Pre-Patom trough - lithology of the Upper Riphean – Lower and Middle Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate complex]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at:
   Fortunatova N.K. Sedimentologicheskoe modelirovanie karbonatnykh osadochnykh kompleksov [Sedimentological modeling of carbonate sedimentary complexes]. Moscow: NIA-Priroda, 2000, pp. 248.
   Gmid L.P., Belonovskaya L.G., Shibina T.D., Oknova N.S., Ivanovskaya A.V. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po litologo-petrograficheskomu i petrokhimicheskomu izucheniyu osadochnykh porod-kollektorov [Methodological guidance on lithological, petrographic and petrochemical studies of sedimentary reservoir rocks]. Saint Petersburg, 2009, pp. 157.
   Golubkova E.Yu., Raevskaya E.G., Kuznetsov A.B. Nizhnevendskie kompleksy mikrofossiliy Vostochnoy Sibiri v reshenii stratigraficheskikh problem regiona [Lower Vendian complexes of microfossils in Eastern Siberia: handle of stratigraphic issues of the region]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2010, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 3-27.
   Khomentovskiy V.V., Shenfil' V.Yu., Yakshin M.S., Butakov E.P. Opornye razrezy otlozheniy dokembriya i kembriya Sibirskoy platformy [Key sequences of the Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian deposits of Siberian platform]. Moscow: Nauka, 1972, pp. 355.
   Vorob'eva N.G., Sergeev V.N., Chyumakov N.M. Novye nakhodki rannevendskikh mikrofossiliy v urinskoy svite: peresmotr vozrasta patomskogo kompleksa Sredney Sibiri [Discoveries of the Lower-Vendian microfossils in Urinsk suite: clarifying of age of Patom complex in Central Siberia]. Doklady akademii nauk, 2008, vol. 419, no. 6, pp. 782-787.
   Zavaritskiy V.A. Petrografiya. Kn. II. Osadochnye i metamorficheskie gornye porody [Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks]. Leningrad, 1969, pp. 157.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 19_2011 submitted on 05/17/2011 displayed on website on 06/01/2011
17 p.
pdf  Genesis conditions of the Riphean-Lower Cambrian sand and pelitic rocks in petroleum potential evaluation of Pred-Patom foredeep
Oil and gas potential of the Riphean-Lower Cambrian strata in the central and eastern parts of Pred-Patom foredeep was evaluated using analytical study of sedimentation environments, composition and reservoir properties of terrigenous rocks, minerals and sealing features of pelitic rocks. Dynamo-genetic diagram was constructed as a result of cumulative curves’ correlation. Preliminary information on the sedimentation conditions of terrigenous rocks was obtained. Marine and coastal facies are identified. Mineralogical study of pelitic rocks was conducted. Capacitance-filtration properties of terrigenous and pelitic rocks were evaluated.
Key words: Pred-Patom foredeep, grain composition, mineral composition, facies, sedimentation conditions, Riphean, Vendian, Lower Cambrian.
article citation Shibina T.D., Kushmar I.A., Klyarovskaya A.V. Usloviya formirovaniya rifey-nizhnekembriyskikh peschanykh i glinistykh porod v svyazi s otsenkoy neftegazonosnosti Predpatomskogo progiba [Genesis conditions of the Riphean-Lower Cambrian sand and pelitic rocks in petroleum potential evaluation of Pred-Patom foredeep]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 2, available at:
Outstanding petroleum geologists
Section editor – Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # submitted on 10/09/2009 displayed on website on 11/30/2009
7 p.
pdf Famous scientist and person - Lyudmila Pavlovna Gmid
This paper is devoted to L.P. Gmid - famous native lithologist-petrographer - who celebrated her 92 anniversary in 2009. Over a period of more than 60 years of working activity, Lyudmila Pavlovna took part in some theoretical and methodical working ups in the field of lithological-petrographical researches of fractured reservoirs rocks, lithological methods of forecasting the reservoirs rocks of a complicated type.
Key words: petrography in petroleum geology, lithology, complicated reservoir rocks, carbonate and terrigene oil-gas complexes.
article citation Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G. Famous scientist and person - Lyudmila Pavlovna Gmid // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2009. - V.4. - #4.-
Scientific heritage /VNIGRI's ideas/
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 29_2009 submitted on 09/02/2009 displayed on website on 09/14/2009
8 p.
pdf  Lithologic-petrographic criteria of petroleum potential
The complex lithologic-petrographic study of sedimentary rocks – reservoir rocks - together with geophysical researches makes possible to receive more reliable forecast of basin petroleum potential. The methodical guide on the complex study of sedimentary rocks – reservoir rocks, developed by the specialists of the VNIGRI department of lithology, is proposed
Key words: lithology, petrography, reservoir rocks, petroleum potential, thin sections, fracturing.
article citation Gmid L.P., Shibina T.D. Lithologic-petrographic criteria of petroleum potential // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #3.-
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 021 displayed on website on 06/20/2007
22 p.
pdf  Lithology and reservoir forecast of kolganskaya formation of Vakhitovsky field, Kichkasskaya area, southern Orenburg region
Sand bodies have been identified and delineated in the Upper Devonian carbonate sediments within the Kichkasskaya area of Colgan-Borisov Trough (southern Orenburg region) on the basis of lithological, petrographic and petrophysical studies of kolganskaya formation. Maps of facies and a map of prospective reservoir rocks development have been drawn; prospective areas for hydrocarbon exploration have been identified on the poorly explored areas.
Key words: Devonian, limestone, sandstone reservoir properties, facies, clinoforms, the forecast of lithologic traps.
article citation Shibina T.D., Gmid L.P., Taninskaya N.V., Nikitin Yu.I. Lithology and reservoir forecast of kolganskaya formation of Vakhitovsky field, Kichkasskaya area, southern Orenburg region // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. -