Mis'kiv N.I.

Researcher at the Lviv Integrated Research Center of UkrNIIgaz.
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Khalimov E.M.
Article # 30_2014 submitted on 03/21/2014 displayed on website on 07/10/2014
13 p.
pdf  Influence of residual saturated water and reservoir rock properties at watering holes in the producing of gas strata
The causes of difficult exploitation wells in the influence of area of reservoir water accumulating on its bottom under certain conditions are analysed. The types of residual water and the dependence its distribution in the porous environment and characteristics of fluids are characterized. The reasons for its transformation from one form to another are described. Estimation of parametrical characteristics of the pore space structure based on recent data obtained from ground-gas storage and hydrocarbon deposit operations are presented. The residual water and its variants in a porous environment have a specific hydrodynamic pattern and are functionally related to the size of reservoir pressure, pore size, capillarity value and the reservoir water and gas saturation.

Keywords: reservoir rock, porosity, permeability, loosely bound water, capillary pressure, the pore radius, saturated water, ground-gas storage.
article citation Mis'kiv N.I. Vlijanie ostatochnoj vodonasyshhennosti i fil'tracionno-emkostnyh svojstv porod-kollektorov na obvodnenie skvazhin v processe razrabotki gazovyh zalezhej [Influence of residual saturated water and reservoir rock properties at watering holes in the producing of gas strata]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/11/30_2014.pdf
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/30_2014
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