Naumova M.N.

Graduated of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, specialization “geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas”.
Specialist of the 1st category of the Center for the Development of Geological Exploration Technologies of LLC Lukoil-Engineering.
Scientific interest area: petroleum potential forecasting within poorly studied areas, use of basin modeling technologies for forecasting petroleum potential of the subsoil.
Author of 5 publications.
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Suprunenko О.I.
Article # 13_2018 submitted on 04/02/2018 displayed on website on 04/24/2018
19 p.
pdf  Geological structure and outlook of oil and gas production of Miocene accumulations (Black Sea northwestern part)
New geological, geophysical and geochemical data obtained in the course of exploration activity in the licensed blocks of PJSC "Oil Company" LUKOIL "formed the basis for this study of the Miocene hydrocarbon system in the Black Sea northwestern part. The reservoir rocks are associated with submarine cones of removal. The traps are predicted as combined types (including elements of structural, tectonic and lithological factors) or lithological types. The Neogene reservoir rocks are formed by basin floor and slope fans. 3D basin modelling allowed prognosis of hydrocarbon type that was confirmed by exploration wells, drilled at the newly discovered structures.

Keywords: Miocene hydrocarbon system, flyout cone, combined traps, lithological traps, Black Sea northwestern part.
article citation Naumova M.N., Nadezhkin D.V., Koloskov V.N., Gorchilin V.A., Pinus O.V. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti miotsenovykh otlozheniy severo-zapadnoy chasti Chernogo morya [Geological structure and outlook of oil and gas production of Miocene accumulations (Black Sea northwestern part)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, available at:
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