Dicko Mouhamadou B.B.


Graduated from St. Petersburg Mining University (2017), specialization “mining engineer- geologist”.
Post-graduate student of St. Petersburg Mining University.
Scientific interest area: stratigraphy and paleogeography.
Author of 2 publications.
Hard-extracted reserves, unconventional hydrocarbon sources
Article # 30_2022 submitted on 08/08/2022 displayed on website on 09/14/2022
19 p.
pdf Geological conditions and model of bitumoids formation in the Fresco area of the western sector of the Côte d'Ivoire basin
A model for the formation of bitumoids in the Fresco region (sedimentary basin of Côte d'Ivoire, Western Africa) and an assessment of the prospects for petroleum potential of the Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic strata of the Fresco area based on geological and geochemical studies are presented. It is shown that in the Fresco region there are no thermobaric conditions for the generation of hydrocarbons. It has been established that bitumoids were formed during the thermal destruction of organic matter to the west of the Fresco area, which has a significant thickness of the sedimentary cover. Bitumoids arose as a result of desorption, primary migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Fresco region.

Keywords: geological and geochemical studies, petroleum prospects, Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic strata, bitumoid formation model, Fresco region, Ivory Coast sedimentary basin, Western Africa.
article citation Diсko Mouhamadou B.B., Schekoldin R.A., Dmitrieva T.V., Shapiro A.I. Geologicheskie usloviya i model' formirovaniya bitumoidov v rayone Fresko zapadnogo sektora basseyna Kot-d’Ivuar [Geological conditions and model of bitumoids formation in the Fresco area of the western sector of the Côte d'Ivoire basin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/30_2022.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/30_2022
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   Dicko Mouhamadou B.B., Schekoldin R.A., Dmitrieva T.V. Osobennosti sostava i usloviya formirovaniya kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy regiona Gran-Lau neftegazonosnogo basseyna Kot-d'Ivuar [Lithofacial features and formation conditions of the Cenozoic section of the Gran-Lau region - petroleum basin of Cоte-d'Ivoire]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/16_2019.html. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/16_2019
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 16_2019 submitted on 06/05/2019 displayed on website on 06/18/2019
18 p.
pdf Lithofacial features and formation conditions of the Cenozoic section of the Gran-Lau region - petroleum basin of Cоte-d'Ivoire
The results of the lithofacies analysis of the Cenozoic section of the Cote d'Ivoire petroleum basin, based on the petrographic mineralogical analysis and particles size analysis, are outlined. According to the granulometry data, several histogram were plotted indicating the distribution of sediment grain sizes by fractions, cumulative curves, and a dynamo-genetic diagram of Rozhkov; it made possible to investigate the sedimentation conditions in the Cenozoic time. The descriptions of clastic rocks thin sections, which give valuable information about the composition and history of their formation, were also carried out in this study. As a result of the conducted study, it was established that the Fresco Formations within the Grand-Lau region was developed during the Cenozoic time in various facial conditions of the coastal-marine environment, from the shallow-water bay to littoral conditions.

Keywords: lithofacies analysis, Fresco Cenozoic Formation, Cote d'Ivoire petroleum basin, Gulf of Guinea, Western Africa.
article citation Dicko Mouhamadou B.B., Schekoldin R.A., Dmitrieva T.V. Osobennosti sostava i usloviya formirovaniya kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy regiona Gran-Lau neftegazonosnogo basseyna Kot-d'Ivuar [Lithofacial features and formation conditions of the Cenozoic section of the Gran-Lau region - petroleum basin of Cоte-d'Ivoire]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/16_2019.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/16_2019
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