Asvinov R.V.
Graduated from the Gomel State Technical University named after P.O. Sukhoi (2017), specialization "development and operation of oil and gas fields" and the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Production Center for Geology" (2023), specialization "geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields".
Master of Technical Sciences, Master of Economic Sciences, researcher in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences.
Geologist of the 2nd category of the Department of Geology of field development and Geological and Technical measures of the Department of Geology and Field Development of the central RUE Production Association Belorusneft, Gomel, Belarus.
Area of scientific interests: development and operation of oil and gas fields; geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields; economics of commercial production.
Author of 11 publications and 1 patent (WU 11014 U 2016.04.30 Deep sampler).
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 48_2023 | submitted on 11/21/2023 displayed on website on 12/27/2023 |
16 p. | Povzhik P.P., Sharunov A.A., Kravtsov T.V., Danilenko V.V., Konyushenko A.S., Kukhta Ya.K., Asvinov R.V. |
Determination of key oil prospecting criteria of the Pripyat tag with the purpose of identifying new hydrocarbons accumulations in crystaline basement rocks | |
Despite the discovery of significant oil and gas accumulations in crystalline basement rocks in the world, it should be noted that the traps in these rocks belong to objects of complex geological structure, which are characterized by uncertain dimensions both lateral and vertical. Currently, there is no generally accepted unified concept for predicting reservoirs in them and no proven methodology for constructing geological models. This is due to the eternal struggle between researchers of organic and inorganic theories of the origin of oil. To confidently predict hydrocarbon accumulations in crystalline basement rocks today within the Pripyat oil and gas basin, it is necessary to determine reliable search criteria in order to justify deep drilling. Keywords: crystalline basement, prediction of reservoir, oil prospecting criteria, forecast of hydrocarbon accumulations, Pripyat petroleum basin. |
article citation | Povzhik P.P., Sharunov A.A., Grudinin A.S., Kravtsov T.V., Danilenko V.V., Konyushenko A.S., Kukhta Ya.K., Asvinov R.V. Opredelenie klyuchevykh neftepoiskovykh kriteriev Pripyatskogo progiba s tsel'yu vyyavleniya novykh zalezhey uglevodorodov v porodakh kristallicheskogo fundamenta [Determination of key oil prospecting criteria of the Pripyat tag with the purpose of identifying new hydrocarbons accumulations in crystaline basement rocks]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/48_2023.html EDN: GGEGIO |
Gribik Ya.G., Povzhik P.P., Grudinin A.S., Paremskiy E.G. Promyshlennyy pritok nefti iz porod kristallicheskogo fundamenta Pripyatskogo progiba [Industrial influx of oil from the crystalline basement rocks of the Pripyat trough]. Litasfera, 2022, no. 2 (57), pp. 131-137.
Guzik S.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti porod kristallicheskogo fundamenta i osadochnogo chekhla opushchennykh kryl'ev nesoglasnykh glubinnykh razlomov Pripyatskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna [Geological structure and prospects for oil and gas content of the crystalline basement and sedimentary cover of the downthrown wings of unconformable deep faults of the Pripyat petroleum basin]. Glubinnaya neft'. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' nedr, 2013, pp. 485-501.
Guzik S.N. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Pripyatskogo progiba s pozitsii abiogennogo sinteza uglevodorodov [Prospects for petroleum potential of the Pripyat trough from the perspective of abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons]. Litasfera, 2013, no. 1 (38), pp. 123-134.
Neftegazonosnost' fundamenta (problemy poiska i razvedki mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov) [Petroleum potential of the basement (problems of search and exploration of hydrocarbon accumulations).]. V.L. Shuster, V.B. Levyant, M.M. Ellanskiy. Moscow: Tekhnika, 2003, 175 p.
Porfir'ev V.B., Krayushkin V.A., Erofeev N.S. O poiskakh zalezhey nefti v kristallicheskom fundamente Pripyatskoy vpadiny [On the search for oil accumulations in the crystalline basement of the Pripyat depression]. Dokl. AN USSR. Ser. B, 1977, no. 7, pp. 611-615.
Punanova S.A. Neftegazonosnost' kristallicheskogo fundamenta s uchetom razvitiya v nem nestrukturnykh lovushek kombinirovannogo tipa [Petroleum potential of a crystalline basement, taking into account the development of non-structural traps of a combined type in it]. Georesursy, 2019, no. 21 (4), pp. 19-26.
Zagranovskaya D.E., Zakharova O.A.Regional'nye predposylki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti doyurskogo kompleksa Zapadno-Sibirskogo basseyna [Regional prerequisites for the oil and gas potential of the pre-Jurassic complex of the Western Siberian Basin - Carbohydrate and mineral resource potential of the crystalline basement]. Uglevodorodnyy i mineral'no-syr'evoy potentsial kristallicheskogo fundamenta: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Kazan', 2-3 Sept, 2019). 2019, pp. 47-50.
Guzik S.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti porod kristallicheskogo fundamenta i osadochnogo chekhla opushchennykh kryl'ev nesoglasnykh glubinnykh razlomov Pripyatskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna [Geological structure and prospects for oil and gas content of the crystalline basement and sedimentary cover of the downthrown wings of unconformable deep faults of the Pripyat petroleum basin]. Glubinnaya neft'. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' nedr, 2013, pp. 485-501.
Guzik S.N. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Pripyatskogo progiba s pozitsii abiogennogo sinteza uglevodorodov [Prospects for petroleum potential of the Pripyat trough from the perspective of abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons]. Litasfera, 2013, no. 1 (38), pp. 123-134.
Neftegazonosnost' fundamenta (problemy poiska i razvedki mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov) [Petroleum potential of the basement (problems of search and exploration of hydrocarbon accumulations).]. V.L. Shuster, V.B. Levyant, M.M. Ellanskiy. Moscow: Tekhnika, 2003, 175 p.
Porfir'ev V.B., Krayushkin V.A., Erofeev N.S. O poiskakh zalezhey nefti v kristallicheskom fundamente Pripyatskoy vpadiny [On the search for oil accumulations in the crystalline basement of the Pripyat depression]. Dokl. AN USSR. Ser. B, 1977, no. 7, pp. 611-615.
Punanova S.A. Neftegazonosnost' kristallicheskogo fundamenta s uchetom razvitiya v nem nestrukturnykh lovushek kombinirovannogo tipa [Petroleum potential of a crystalline basement, taking into account the development of non-structural traps of a combined type in it]. Georesursy, 2019, no. 21 (4), pp. 19-26.
Zagranovskaya D.E., Zakharova O.A.Regional'nye predposylki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti doyurskogo kompleksa Zapadno-Sibirskogo basseyna [Regional prerequisites for the oil and gas potential of the pre-Jurassic complex of the Western Siberian Basin - Carbohydrate and mineral resource potential of the crystalline basement]. Uglevodorodnyy i mineral'no-syr'evoy potentsial kristallicheskogo fundamenta: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Kazan', 2-3 Sept, 2019). 2019, pp. 47-50.