Biryukova M.A.
Graduated from Ural State Mining and Geological Academy in 2003.
Works with JSC «Eniseygeofizika» as an engineer-geologist.
Area of scientific interest: petroleum geology.
Author of several publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 32_2009 | submitted on 07/10/2009 displayed on website on 09/29/2009 |
14 p. | Biryukova M.A. |
Correlation and facies peculiarities of Oskobin formation deposits, south-western slope of the Baikit anteclise | |
The correlation of Vendian deposits of the Oskobin formation bands of the Baikit anteclise (Omorin area) on the complex of well logging and drilling data is considered. The Б-VIII and Б-VIII* horizons, prospective for oil and gas, are defined in the formation sequence; the forecast of their genesis is made. A lithological–facies analysis is performed; its results provided the basis for establishing the regularities in distributing the productive horizons and seals in this formation by an area. It was concluded that the prospects of discovering the hydrocarbon pools in the Vendian oil-gas complex are high Key words: correlation, geochemistry, facie, band, Vendian deposits, Baikit anteclise, petroleum potential. |
article citation | Birukova M.A. Correlation and facies peculiarities of Oskobin formation deposits, south-western slope of the Baikit anteclise // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/32_2009.pdf |