Mikhaylov D.G.
Graduated from Perm State University, specialization "engineering geology, hydrogeology" (1981).
Head of group of oil and gas potential forecast and exploration projecting, the Branch of LLC "LUKOIL-ENGINEERING" "PermNIPIneft" in Perm.
Research interests: petroleum geology, remote sensing techniques, structural hydrogeology and ecology.
Author of 15 publications and patent: software module "StructureFond" to ArcView geo-information system for map of oil fields and perspective structure (certificate 2011610540).
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 53_2012 | submitted on 02/19/2012 displayed on website on 11/02/2012 |
20 p. | Mikhaylov D.G., Moroshkin A.N., Plotnikov A.V. |
Development of tectonic zoning of Perm region in view of oil and gas potential forecast | |
The history of development of insights into tectonic zonation of the Perm region is presented along with tectonic schemes. The basic principles of tectonic zonation of the Perm region are shown. The modern scheme of tectonic zonation is analyzed; its role in oil and gas potential forecast and planning of further exploration in order to discover new oil and gas fields is considered in detail.
Key words: tectonics, tectonic zonation, tectonic scheme, tectonic element, morphological principle, geological structure, the Perm region. |
article citation | Mikhaylov D.G., Moroshkin A.N., Plotnikov A.V. Razvitie tektonicheskogo kartirovaniya Permskogo kraya v svyazi s prognozom neftegazonosnosti [Development of tectonic zoning of Perm region in view of oil and gas potential forecast]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/53_2012.pdf |
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Nalivkin V.D., Rozanov L.N., Egorov S.P., Engurazov I.I., Kovalevskiy Yu.S., Kozachenko A.A., Kondrat'eva M.G., Kuznetsov G.A., Kulikov F.S., Lobov V.A., Sofronitskiy P.A., Tatarinov A.G. Volgo-Ural'skaya neftenosnaya oblast'. Tektonika [Volga-Ural oil- bearing region. Tectonics]. Trudy VNIGRI, 1956, vol. 100, 312 p.
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Provorov V.M. Strukturno-fatsial'nye zony neftegazonakopleniya v severnykh rayonakh Uralo-Povolzh'ya [Structural-facies zones of petroleum accumulation in the northern regions of the Ural-Volga region]. Collection of scientific papers, VNIGNI, 1982, vol. 243, p. 3-21.
Provorov V.M. Tektonika [Tectonics]. Mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Permskogo kraya. Entsiklopediya, Perm', 2006, p. 63-74.
Rozanov L.N. Vozmozhnyy mekhanizm formirovaniya zon neftegazonakopleniya [Possible mechanism of oil and gas accumulation zones formation]. Tektonicheskie faktory razmeshcheniya zon neftegazonakopleniya. Collection of scientific papers, VNIGNI, 1979, p. 149-155.
Shatskiy N.S. Ocherki tektoniki Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti i chasti zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Essays on tectonics of Volga-Ural oil and gas region and part of the western slope of the Southern Urals]. Byulleten' MOIP, 1945, Nov. seriya, vol. 2, 96 p.
Shershnev K.S. Geologicheskoe stroenie proterozoysko-paleozoyskogo kompleksa Permskogo Priural'ya v svyazi s ego neftegazonosnost'yu [Geological structure of the Proterozoic-Paleozoic complex of the Perm Pre-Urals due to its petroleum potential]. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, 1971, 214 p.
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Spravochnik po tektonicheskoy terminologii [Manual on tectonic terminology]. Editors Kosygin Yu.A., Parfenov L.M., Nedra, 1970, 584 p.
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