Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 37_2020 submitted on 09/18/2020 displayed on website on 11/06/2020
18 p.
pdf Justification of the types and volume of research requirements necessary for the development design of small and very small oil discoveries
The oil fields development design presumes the availability of sufficient geological information about its accumulations. The time being Russian Federation there are no yet any institutionalized geological assessment targets of oil discovery, which will provide an optimal level of geological assessment of an oil field for the entire period of its development (including the stages of exploration and exploitation). The problem of the standardization of geological assessment level of oil accumulations is often brought up by petroleum engineers and some steps in this direction were made by a group of soviet geologists headed by A. Fursov and at the present time by A. Yanin. Basing on the actuality of this topic and accomplished research, the problem of justification of an optimal geological assessment level of oil accumulations in the process of oil fields development designing, especially of small and very small ones is studied in this article. As well, the geological assessment targets for evolved oil accumulations are suggested.

Keywords: geological assessment of oil accumulation, small and very small discovery, oil field development design, oil field geological assessment level, improved field development.
article citation Tsiglianu P. Obosnovanie trebovaniy k vidam i ob"emam issledovaniy pri proektirovanii razrabotki melkikh i ochen' melkikh neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy [Justification of the types and volume of research requirements necessary for the development design of small and very small oil discoveries]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at:
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