Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # 16_2020 submitted on 04/20/2020 displayed on website on 05/25/2020
11 p.
pdf A large gas prospect in the Vilyuy Syneclise
According to the results of regional seismic surveys of last years, a large amplitude anomaly was detected in the southern part of the Vilyuy Syneclise (Eastern Siberia). The joint analysis of seismic data, results of aeromagnetic and gravimetric surveys and resistivity prospecting indicates that the obtained anomaly is due to a important geological heterogeneity, most likely associated with the gas type of prospect. Judging by the size of the studied anomaly, it may indicate the presence of a significant gas prospect in the section that asks further targeted study. There are few versions of the gas prospect definition proposed in this study, which also includes a principal model of gas fields and probable prospects of Kapshagay ridge generation in the wedging areas on the southern flank of the Vilyuy Syneclise.

Keywords: seismic data, amplitude anomaly, generation gas accumulation, Vilyuy Syneclise, Eastern Siberia.
article citation Trofimov V.A. Krupnyy, perspektivnyy na gaz ob"ekt v Vilyuyskoy sineklize [A large gas prospect in the Vilyuy Syneclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2020/16_2020.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/16_2020
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