Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 10_2020 submitted on 03/06/2020 displayed on website on 03/30/2020
15 p.
pdf Petroleum bearing prospect in the south-eastern part of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep based on the data of the Svintsov depression
The Saratov Volga region is one of the oldest petroleum regions in the vast Volga-Ural petroleum province, within which numerous gas, gas condensate and oil fields have been discovered in Devonian and Carboniferous terrigenous-carbonate sections. Many fields are multi-layer. However, the geological structure and prospects for discovering hydrocarbon accumulations within the Svintsov depression and its surroundings remain unclear. Based on the analysis of the results of geological exploration of the previous years, we can confidently assume the possibility of discovering oil and gas accumulations in the Devonian terrigenous-carbonate, the prospects of which have been proved everywhere within the adjacent territories of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep and Stepnov ridge. The geological characteristics of the Vorobyov, Ardat, Timan-Pash, Semiluky-Sargaev petroleum bearing Formations are presented. A description of the promising identified and prepared structures is given. A geological and economic assessment of the development of promising resources has been carried out.

Keywords: Devonian terrigenous-carbonate sections, oil and gas accumulations, petroleum bearing prospect, Svintsov depression, Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep, Volga-Ural petroleum Province.
article citation Pyatayev A.A. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yugo-vostochnoy chasti Ryazano-Saratovskogo megaprogiba na primere Svintsovskoy vpadiny [Petroleum bearing prospect in the south-eastern part of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep based on the data of the Svintsov depression]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 1, available at:
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