Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 27_2019 submitted on 05/20/2019 displayed on website on 08/12/2019
24 p.
pdf Influence of fold-thrust tectonics on the petroleum genesis in the northern segment of the Pre-Ural regional Foredeep
The aim of this stady was to assess the impact of the Early Cimmerian tectogenesis on the processes of oil and gas generation within the northern segment of the Pre-Ural Foredeep (Korotaikha, Kosyu-Rogov and Verhne-Pechora depressions).
Study area characterized by wide distribution of fold-thrust deformations, including “pop-up” structures such as the Chernyshev Ridge, formed because of disruption and displacement of the sedimentary cover along the Upper Ordovician salt-bearing section due to tangential compression during the collision stage. Since high influence of tectonic features on evolution of petroleum systems, palinspastic restoration were made for 2D basin modelling along geological sections crossing the main structural zones.
As a result of 2D basin modeling, the hydrocarbon kitchen corresponds to the deepest part of the Pre-Uralian Foredeep. Active hydrocarbon generation correlates with source rocks maximum subsidence under the molasse sequence of the Paleo-Uralian Foredeep. The peak of hydrocarbon generation established before the main phase of folding and thrusting, which is an unfavorable factor for the safety of hydrocarbon accumulation.
Thus, most of the accumulations in the Devonian and Carboniferous cover were destroyed during the Early Cimmerian active tectonic phase. Oil and gas could re-migrate into newly formed traps. Large fault-bounded structural traps in the allochthon structural level of the Chernyshev Ridge were further destroyed by erosion processes. The residual potential is associated with the autochthon structures.

Keywords: hydrocarbon generation, fold-thrust deformation, basin modeling, hydrocarbon system, Pre-Ural Foredeep.
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