Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 31_2018 submitted on 04/06/2018 displayed on website on 08/27/2018
30 p.
pdf Substantiation of Lower Maikop petroleum saturated claystone sections and thir permeability (for example - some North Caucasus fields)
The issue of allocation and evaluation of filter-capacitive parameters of claystone reservoirs, justification of their permeability and petroleum saturated section was considered. The results of studies containing information on various properties of Lower Maikop claystones like: porosity, bulk weight, calcareousness, hydrophobicity coefficient characterizing the physical and chemical properties of the surface, the specific electrical resistance, and the time interval of elastic longitudinal waves propagation are presented. In accordance with the features of the structure of the petroleum reservoir, taking into account the results of the drilled wells and according to their location, three categories of plots for carrying out prospecting work are identified. The approaches are described according to the data of hydrodynamic studies, the possibility of determining the numerical values of the parameters characterizing the hydrodynamic properties of wells and seams, and also the features of their structure (the presence of inhomogeneities and impermeable boundaries) are determined. To quantify the parameters of the reservoir, the results of hydrodynamic well studies were selected and indicator charts were studied and interpreted. The pressure recovery curves recorded on the wells have a typical appearance characteristic of the fracture-pore type reservoir.

Keywords: reservoir rock, Lower Maikop claystone, fracturing, petroleum reservoir properties, pressure recovery curves, petroleum saturated section, North Caucasus.
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