Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 14_2016 submitted on 03/14/2016 displayed on website on 04/12/2016
14 p.
pdf  Investment attractiveness of unassessed oil reserves end their rentability within Nenets Autonomous District and Komi Republic
The results of investment attractiveness evaluation of unassessed oil reserves within Nenets Autonomous District and Komi Republic are provided. Their differentiation based on profitability of reserves' development is carried out. The limit levels of oil prices on domestic and foreign markets are calculated for actual unprofitable objects. The stability analysis of economic evaluation is performed for the actual low-profitable objects.

Keywords: unassessed oil reserves, estimation of investment attractiveness, profitability, assessment probability of reserves, Nenets Autonomous District, Komi Republic.
article citation Metkin D.M. Investitsionnaya privlekatel'nost' nevostrebovannykh zapasov nefti Nenetskogo avtonomnogo okruga i Respubliki Komi [Investment attractiveness of unassessed oil reserves end their rentability within Nenets Autonomous District and Komi Republic]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, available at:
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