Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 39_2014 submitted on 05/12/2014 displayed on website on 09/29/2014
26 p.
pdf  Sedimentary cover of the Eastern Arctic shelf – comparison of seismic complexes and main unconformity
To date, there are various schemes of stratigraphic reference of seismic horizons (unconformity) in a section of the sedimentary cover for the Eastern Arctic. The most controversial options of unconformity indexing and stratification of the sedimentary cover are associated to the Laptev Sea shelf. There is no single point of view regarding the age of the deposits, which represent the North Chukchi Basin. New seismic data allowed to prove the age of the sedimentary cover of Chukchi, East Siberian and Laptev seas basins and offer the option of stratification of main unconformity. The presented results testify the late Paleozoic - Cainozoic age of a cover of the North Chukchi basin and Aptian-Cainozoic Longsko-Chukotsky, Novosibirsk and Laptevomorsky basins.

Keywords: seismic horizon, sedimentary cover, seismic complex, basement, sedimentary basin, Eastern Arctic.
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