New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 18_2008 displayed on website on 04/14/2008
8 p.
pdf  Innovation progress in technology of developing the oil fields
More than 3,000 technologies of production, methods and ways of bed stimulation for intensifying oil production and enhancing an oil recovery factor are renowned. A demand for the new technologies of oil recovery enhancement increased in the conditions of resource base deficit. Cardinal changes in this field are related to the radical new information technologies, new approaches to studying the detail structure of oil-gas objects on the basis of some modern achievements in science and technique. In the new conditions of subsurface use and in preserving the State ownership of useful minerals, the compulsion of subsurface users to applying the methods enhancing oil recovery through the project documents controlling by the state structures is an effective key factor of management by resource rational development. The further development of innovations in the field of developing the oil fields is related to increasing the scientific-technical level of justification of economically effective applying the methods of enhanced oil recovery, attracting the modern, more perfect calculation techniques, less expensive and more effective technologies in planning and projecting. Only in performing this condition it is possible to count on the harmonization of interests of subsurface users and the state for rational subsurface use
Key words: technology of enhancing oil recovery, oil fields, oil production
article citation Khalimov E.M. Innovation progress in technology of developing the oil fields // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #2.-