Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podolskiy Yu.V.
Article # 011 displayed on website on 03/23/2007
23 p.
pdf  Oil and gas potential of Russia. Current state and development prospects
Prospects of achievement of the main indicators of oil and gas complex development, given by «Energy Strategy of Russia until 2020» and «Long-term government program on subsoil research and renewal of hydrocarbons mineral resources... until 2020» are discussed with the view of estimation of oil and gas potential of the major territories and offshore of Russia and the scope of geological exploration in physical and value terms, required for renewal of oil and gas mineral resources, and achievement of specified levels of hydrocarbon production under present conditions of subsoil use and taxation.
Key words: oil and gas complex, oil and gas potential, hydrocarbons mineral resources renewal, exploration, forecast.
article citation Podolsky Yu.V., Prischepa O.M. Oil and gas potential of Russia. Current state and development prospects // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. -